Progetti di Ateneo

angle-left HiLArI. Histories, Laws & Architectures for Inclusion
Codice Progetto o altro Identificativo
Codice Progetto P2022MEAY9 – CUP Master F53D23012060001
Denominazione Progetto
HiLArI. Histories, Laws & Architectures for Inclusion
Tipologia di finanziamento
Tipologia ambito della fonte di finanziamento
Call e/o Bando specifici
• Bando MUR DD. 1409 – 2022 PRIN PNRR - Missione 4 “Istruzione e Ricerca”, Piano Nazionale di Ripresa e Resilienza - Componente C2 – Investimento 1.1 - Fondo per il Programma Nazionale di Ricerca e Progetti di Rilevante Interesse Nazionale - Finanziato dall'Unione europea – Next Generation EU – D.D. n. 1409 del 14.09.2022, ammesso a finanziamento con D.D. 1375 del 01.09.2023 – Durata 24 mesi ed eventuali proroghe
Referente Scientifico (nome e cognome)
Eliana Augusti
Compagine Progettuale
Unità Capofila – Università del Salento: Eliana Augusti, Luigi Nuzzo, Pier Luigi Portaluri, Entela Cukani, Ubaldo Villani Lubelli, Giuliano Maiolo, Giorgio De Mauro. Unità di ricerca: Università degli Studi di Napoli “Federico II” (Respons. Scientifico Prof.ssa Virginia Amorosi); Politecnico di Bari (Respons. Scientifico Prof. Antonio Riondino).
Data inizio
Data fine
Sito Web 
Legal History – Migrations Sustainability - Housing First – Ius Migrandi – Ius Degendi – Residential Segregation – Urban Space – Inclusion – Housing Welfare
With the "Action Plan on the Integration and Inclusion 2021-2027" (2020), the EC wanted to provide an overview of the possible use of European funds to overcome barriers in access to education, employment, health care, and housing that today hinder the participation and inclusion in Europe of people from migrant backgrounds. The Plan's intervention strategy is developed around four strands, the last of which looks at access to adequate and affordable housing. The goal is to address the discrimination and segregation that particularly plague communities of migrants and Europeans with migrant backgrounds in the housing market and, more generally, in their inclusion in the social fabric, urban and suburban, of cities. In this, member states and regional and local authorities must have at their disposal anti-discrimination tools and good practices, and innovative solutions to foster inclusion and combat segregation. It is therefore necessary to offer new notions and research strategies that recognize space as a complex place and guide its rewriting from an interdisciplinary perspective. In the operational task forces on Housing First, it is necessary that the legal-historical, legal-sociological, and architectural-technological contributions be structured to assist spatial planning in the most coherent way to the understanding and translation of global processes over time, such as that related to migration and housing. On these premises, the "HiLArI" project aims to reconstruct the dimension of dwelling, regarding the internal and external flows of migrant labor in the South since the modern age. It will look at the debate on ius migrandi, ius degendi and the rights and functions of dwelling, in relation to the condition of migrant workers. Continuities and differences in public housing interventions (temporary and residential) and in the provision of legal and urban planning instruments for governing and regulating space from the nineteenth century to the present will be examined. The dynamics of exclusion that have produced and produce places of housing segregation (including informal ones) built and/or managed, directly or indirectly, by public institutions (foundation towns, agricultural ghettos, camps, guesthouses...) will be examined, with particular attention to aspects related to safety and public health. It will therefore reread the urban space as an inclusive place, of meeting, coexistence, structuring and consolidation of social texture, proposing and promoting innovative models, individual and collective, temporary and residential, of dwelling (including shared: cohousing), which look at the "living community," starting from the analysis of forward-looking and sustainable policies and European and non-European best practices, in a diachronic and comparative perspective.
Ambito tecnologico produttivo
Social and economic sustainability; better understanding of the social, ethical, political and economic impacts of drivers of change (technology, globalisation, demographics, mobility and migration).
Ambito di Applicazione/Mercato
Social Sciences and Humanities – Legal studies, constitutions, human rights, comparative law - Social structure, social mobility, social innovation - Land use and planning