- Teaching in italian
- Teaching
- Subject area
- ING-INF/04
- Reference degree course
- Course type
- Master's Degree
- Credits
- 9.0
- Teaching hours
- Frontal Hours: 81.0
- Academic year
- 2016/2017
- Year taught
- 2017/2018
- Course year
- 2
- Language
- Curriculum
- Reference professor for teaching
- Location
- Lecce
Teaching description
Sufficiency in calculus, mechanics, control theory and linear algebra
This course offers a broad overview of fundamental topics in the area of robotics, mobile robotics and multi-robotic systems. It is aimed at providing principles and tools to state and solve the design problems for industrial robots and mobile devices, and the solution is numerically sought with the aid of a suitable software (Mathworks Matlab is used in the course).
Ability to apply knowledge and understanding) Describe and explain the main peculiarities (both advantages and disadvantages) of each facet of the design of a robotic, mobile robotic and multi-robotic systems. (Ability to apply knowledge and understanding) + (Communication skills) + (Autonomy of judgment) Be aware, describe and explain the practical problems of controlling complex systems and how to overcome these drawbacks using modern approaches. (Ability to apply knowledge and understanding) + (Learning ability) + (Autonomy of judgment) Starting from a practical problem, the student must be able to formalize an adequate theoretical formulation, and also should be able to build a framework of simulation to find a computer solution of the mathematical problem with the use of a suitable software. (Communication skills) + (Learning skills) Students can develop a project on an application of interest in which to apply the methodologies developed along the course.
Lezioni frontali svolte in aula dal docente tramite l'ausilio di gesso e lavagna. Nel corso delle lezioni saranno occasionalmente illustrati e discussi software commerciali.
The exam is an oral discussion (including possibly one written exercise) and it is aimed to determine to what extent the student has: 1) the ability to identify and use data to formulate responses to well-defined problems, 2) problem solving abilities to seek a solution through an algorithm.
Introduction to Robotics. Robot Mechanical Structures. Robot Manipulators, Mobile Robots, Industrial robotics. Advanced Robotics, Field Robots, Service Robots. Robot Modelling, Planning and Control. Mathematical background and connections with other courses. Kinematics. Euler Angles. Denavit–Hartenberg Convention.Kinematics of Typical Manipulator Structures. The Inverse Kinematics Problem. Differential Kinematics and Statics. Geometric Jacobian. Kinematic Singularities. Analysis of Redundancy.Statics. Kineto-Statics Duality. Trajectory Planning. Joint Space Trajectories. Dynamics. Lagrange Formulation. Newton–Euler Formulation. Dynamic Manipulability Ellipsoid. Motion Control. Force Control. Mobile Robots. Nonholonomic Constraints. Kinematic Model, Dynamic Model. Planning, Motion Control.
Title: Robotics: Modelling, Planning and Control Authors: Siciliano, B., Sciavicco, L., Villani, L., Oriolo, G. Publisher: Springer-Verlag London Copyright Year: 2009
First Semester (dal 25/09/2017 al 22/12/2017)
Exam type
Type of assessment
Oral - Final grade
Course timetable