Complesso Ecotekne, palazzina A, piano Secondo, semipiano dx
- Cecilia Bucci
telefono: 0832 298900 e-mail: - Flora Guerra
telefono: 0832 298610 e-mail: - Roberta Romano
telefono: 0832 298610 e-mail: - Sinforosa Gagliardi
telefono: 0832 298610 e-mail: - Marco Mitruccio
telefono: 0832 298941 e-mail: - Victoria Stefania Del Fiore
telefono: 0832 298610 e-mail: - Laboratorio
telefono: 0832 298941
Il laboratorio è attrezzato per le tecniche di base di biologia cellulare e molecolare. In particolare, sono presenti nel laboratorio:
- Cappe a flusso laminare
- Incubatori a CO2
- Incubatori termostatati
- Centrifughe da banco
- Apparati per la PCR
- Strumentazione per l’analisi elettroforetica degli acidi nucleici e delle proteine
- Termoagitatori
- Microscopi
- Autoclave
- Fotometro
- Bagnetti termostatati
Basi molecolari di processi cellulari quali l’endocitosi, la fagocitosi, l’autofagia, la trasduzione del segnale, l’organizzazione del citoscheletro, la rigenerazione assonale, la secrezione e la morte cellulare.
Studio delle basi molecolari dell’insorgenza e della progressione di patologie umane ereditarie e acquisite tramite l’analisi delle alterazioni di processi cellulari. In particolare, il laboratorio si occupa di alcune malattie neurodegenerative, di alcuni tipi di tumore e di alcune patologie infettive.
L’attività del laboratorio si svolge prevalentemente su temi di biologia cellulare e biotecnologie cellulari. Si utilizzano le biotenologie per la comprensione a livello molecolare dei diversi processi cellulari e delle alterazioni presenti in diverse patologie umane
- Cecilia Bucci (Professore Ordinario)
- Flora Guerra (Ricercatore a tempo determinato di tipo B)
- Roberta Romano (Borsista)
- Sinforosa Gagliardi (Assegnista)
- Marco Mitruccio (Borsista)
- Victoria Del Fiore (Dottoranda)
- Prof. Harald Stenmark, University of Oslo, Norway
- Prof. Chengbiao Wu, University College San Diego, California, USA
- Prof. Eeva-Liisa Eskelinen, University of Turku, Finland
- Prof. Guiscard Seebohm, University of Munster, Germany
- Prof. Hagit Eldar-Finkelman, Tel Aviv University, Israel
- Prof. Sergio Catz, California, USA
- Prof. Sergio Grinstein, University of Toronto, Canada
- Prof. Zakaria Hmama, University of British Columbia, Canada
- Prof. Giampietro Schiavo, University College London, London, UK
- Prof. Cinzia Progida and Prof. Oddmund Bakke, University of Oslo, Norvay
- Prof. Emanuele Marzetti e Dott.ssa Anna Picca, Università Cattolica di Roma
- Prof. Giuseppe Gasparre, Università di Bologna
- Prof. Tiziana Cocco, Università di Bari
- Prof. Vincenzo La Bella, Università di Palermo
- Prof. Mario Sabatelli, Università Cattolica di Roma
- Prof. Lucio Santoro, Prof. Fiore Manganelli, Prof. Maria Nolano, Università di Napoli Federico II
- Prof. Mario Chiariello, Istituto di Fisiologia Clinica (IFC), Sezione di Siena, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR), Siena
- Dott. Stefano Previtali, IRCCS Ospedale San Raffaele, Milano
- Dott.ssa Loretta Del Mercato, CNR Nanotech, Lecce
Nel laboratorio di Biologia Cellulare si formano figure altamente qualificate nell’ambito delle linee di ricerca svolte che abbracciano le seguenti discipline e argomenti:
- Biologia Cellulare
- Biotecnologie Cellulari
- Interazione ospite-patogeno
- Meccanismi patogenetici di malattie ereditarie
- Meccanismi di insorgenza e progressione tumorale
- Meccanismi di chemioresistenza
- 1996-2000 Responsabile scientifico di una unità operativa del progetto dal titolo “Molecular mechanisms of intracellular protein transport in mammalian cells” nel programma "TMR" finanziato dalla Comunità Europea.
- 2001-2003 Responsabile scientifico di una unità operativa del Programma di Ricerca Scientifica di Rilevante Interesse Nazionale (Cofin 2001) dal titolo: Basi molecolari della fagocitosi: identificazione del ruolo di proteine Rab e loro regolatori tramite lo studio degli effetti causati da batteri patogeni sui normali processi di traffico di membrana.
- 2002- 2004 Responsabile scientifico di una unità operativa del Programma di Ricerca Scientifica di Rilevante Interesse Nazionale (Cofin 2002) dal titolo: Interazioni molecolari tra proteine Rab e loro effettori nelle diverse vie endocitiche: studio degli effetti sull’internalizzazione, la degradazione e lo smistamento delle proteine
- 2004-2006 Responsabile scientifico di un’unità operativa del Programma di Ricerca Scientifica di Rilevante Interesse Nazionale (Cofin 2004) dal titolo: Basi molecolari della fagocitosi: identificazione di fattori importanti nella biogenesi del fagolisosoma attraverso lo studio dell’interazione tra cellule eucariotiche e microrganismi patogeni.
- 2005-2008 Responsabile scientifico del Progetto Telethon GGP05160 dal titolo: Role of the Rab7 protein in hereditary sensory ulcero-mutilating neuropathies.
- 2008-2010 Responsabile scientifico di un progetto AIRC IG2007 N. 4496 dal titolo: Role of Rab7 and RILP on signaling receptor trafficking and telomere length.
- 2009-2013 Responsabile scientifico del Progetto Telethon GGP09045 dal titolo: Molecular basis of Charcot-Marie-tooth type 2B disease.
- 2011-2013 Responsabile scientifico del progetto AIRC IG2010 N.10213 dal titolo: Role of Rab7 proteins and their effectors in the acquisition of cell tumorigenic properties.
- 2013-2016 Responsabile scientifico di un’unità operativa del Programma di Ricerca Scientifica di Rilevante Interesse Nazionale (PRIN 2010-2011) dal titolo: Determinanti della polarità cellulare: ruolo degli stimoli polarizzanti extracellulari nell'attivazione e mantenimento di programmi genetici e funzionali in organismi multicellulari.
- 2014-2016 Responsabile scientifico del progetto AIRC IG2013 n. 14709 dal titolo: Gaining tumorigenic properties: involvement of the small GTPase Rab7 and of the Rab-interacting lysosomal protein (RILP).
- 2017-2021 Responsabile scientifico del progetto AIRC IG2016 N. 19068 dal titolo: Gaining tumorigenic properties: involvement of the small GTPase Rab7 and of its effector proteins.
- 2017-2021 Responsabile scientifico del progetto Telethon GGP16037 dal titolo: Charcot-Marie-Tooth type 2B: Role of the RAB7 GTPase and of RAB7 interacting proteins.
- 2020 Responsabile scientifico per l’Unità Operativa dell’Università del Salento per il progetto CIB intitolato: Esosomi, microvescicole, comunicazione intracellulare e innovazione terapeutica
- 2020 Responsabile scientifico per l’Unità Operativa dell’Università del Salento per il progetto CIB intitolato: Sviluppo di Farmaci biologici e di sistemi innovativi in vitro per indagini precliniche
- 2020-2022 Responsabile scientifico del progetto intitolato: “Sviluppo di una terapia genica personalizzata per la cura della SLA” (GenTeSLA) finanziato dalla Regione Puglia.
- 2020-2023 Responsabile scientifico dell’OR1.6 del progetto PON “Sviluppo di biomarcatori diagnostici per la medicina di precisione e la terapia personalizzata (BIO-D)
- 2022-2026 Responsabile scientifico del progetto AIRC IG2021 N.25795 dal titolo: Role of RAB7 in cancer progression and chemoresistance
- 2022 Responsabile scientifico per l’Unità Operativa dell’Università del Salento per il progetto CIB intitolato: L’innovazione delle biotecnologie nell’era della pandemia COVID-19, area di intervento II – Biotecnologie per lo sviluppo di biomarcatori: Identificazione di nuovi biomarcatori per la prognostica di COVID-19.
Peer-reviewed research articles:
- LL Cavalli-Sforza, JR Kidd, KK Kidd, C Bucci, AM Bowcock, JS Friedlander. DNA markers and genetic variation in the human species. Cold Spring Harb Symp Quant Biol LI:411-417 (1986).
- AM Bowcock, C Bucci, JM Hebert, JR Kidd, KK Kidd, JS Friedlander, LL Cavalli-Sforza. Study of 47 DNA markers in five populations from four continents. Gene Geog 1:47-64 (1987).
- C Bucci, R Frunzio, L Chiariotti, AL Brown, MM Rechler, CB Bruni. A new member of the ras gene superfamily identified in a rat liver cell line. Nucleic Acids Res 16:9979-9993 (1988).
- C Bucci, P Mallucci, CT Roberts, R Frunzio, CB Bruni. Nucleotide sequence of a genomic fragment of the rat IGF-I gene spanning an alternate 5' non coding exon. Nucleic Acid Res 17:3596-3596 (1989).
- S Alberti, C Bucci, M Fornaro, A Robotti, M Stella. Immunofluorescence Analysis in flow cytometry: Better selection of antibody labeled cells after fluorescence overcompensation in the red channel. J Histochem Cytochem 39:701-706 (1991).
- P Lalor, C Bucci, M Fornaro, MC Rattazzi, H Nakauchi, LA Herzemberg, S Alberti. Molecular cloning, reconstruction and expression of the gene encoding the alpha chain of the bovine CD8. Definition of three peptide regions conserved across species. Immunology 76:95-102 (1992).
- C Bucci, R Parton, I Mather, H Stunnenberg, K Simons, M Zerial. The small GTP-ase Rab5 functions as a regulatory factor in the early endocytic pathway. Cell 70:715-728 (1992).
- R Parton, P Schrotz, C Bucci, J Gruenberg. Plasticity of early endosomes. J Cell Sci 103:335-348 (1992).
- L Vermeer, N Bos, F Kroese, C Bucci, S Alberti. Molecular cloning of the rat CD5 gene. Ann N Y Acad Sci 651:82-83 (1992).
- LA Vermeer, NK de Boer, C Bucci, NA Bos, FG Kroese, S Alberti. MRC OX19 recognizes the rat CD5 surface glycoprotein, but does not provide evidence for the presence of a distinct CD5 positive B cell population in the rat. Eur J Immunol 24:585-592 (1994).
- O Ulrich, H Horiuki, C Bucci, M Zerial. Rab GDI-mediated membrane association of Rab5 is accompanied by nucleotide exchange. Nature 368: 157-160 (1994).
- C Bucci, A Wandinger-Ness, A Luetcke, M Chiariello, CB Bruni, M Zerial. Rab5a is a common component of the apical and basolateral endocytic machinery in polarized epithelial cells. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 91: 5061-5065 (1994).
- V Pizon, M Desjardins, C Bucci, RG Parton, M Zerial. Association of Rap1a and Rap1b proteins with late endocytic/phagocytic compartments. J. Cell Sci. 107: 1661-1670 (1994).
- H Horiuchi, O Ulrich, C Bucci, M Zerial. Purification of posttranslationally modified and unmodified Rab5s expressed in Sf9 cells. Method Enzymol. 257: 9-14 (1995).
- H Stenmark, C Bucci, M Zerial. Expression of Rab GTPases with recombinant vaccinia virus. Method Enzymol. 257: 155-164 (1995).
- C Bucci, A Luetcke, O Steele Mortimer, V Olkkonen, P Dupree, M Chiariello, CB Bruni, K. Simons, M. Zerial. Co-operative regulation of endocytosis by three rab5 isoforms. FEBS Lett. 366: 65-71 (1995).
- M Fornaro, R Dell’Arciprete, M Stella, C Bucci, M Nutini, MG Capri, S Alberti. Cloning of the gene encoding TROP2, a cell surface glycoprotein expressed by human carcinomas. Int J Cancer 62: 610-618 (1995).
- R Vitelli, M Chiariello, CB Bruni, C Bucci. Cloning and expression analysis of the murine Rab7 cDNA. Biochim. Biophys. Acta - (Gene struct. Express) 1264:268-270 (1995).
- R Vitelli, M Chiariello, D Lattero, CB Bruni, C Bucci. Molecular cloning and expression analysis of the human Rab7 GTP-ase complementary deoxyribonucleic acid. Biochem Biophys Res Comm 229:887-890 (1996).
- E Papini, B Satin, C Bucci, M de Bernard, J Telford, R Manetti, R Rappuoli, M Zerial, C Montecucco. The small GTP-binding protein Rab7 is essential for cellular vacuolation induced by Helicobacter pylori cytotoxin. EMBO J 16:15-24 (1997).
- A D'Arrigo, C Bucci, B Toh, H Stenmark. Involvement of microtubules in bafilomycin A1-induced tubulation and Rab5-dependent vacuolation of early endosomes. Eur. J. Cell Biol. 72: 95-103 (1997).
- R Vitelli, M Santillo, D Lattero, M Chiariello, M Bifulco, CB Bruni, C Bucci. Role of the small GTP-ase Rab7 in the late endocytic pathway. J. Biol. Chem. 272: 4391-4397 (1997).
- C Bucci, R Serù, T Annella, R Vitelli, D Lattero, M Bifulco, P Mondola, M Santillo. Free fatty acids modulate LDL receptor activity in BHK-21 cells. Atherosclerosis 137: 329-340 (1998).
- M Chiariello, R Visconti, F Carlomagno, RM Melillo, C Bucci, V de Franciscis, GM Fox, S Jing, OA Coso, JS Gutkind, A Fusco, M Santoro. Signalling of the Ret receptor tyrosine kinase through the c-Jun NH2-terminal Protein Kinases (JNKs): evidence for a divergence of the ERKs and JNKs pathways induced by Ret. Oncogene 16:2435-2445 (1998).
- M Chiariello, L De Gregorio, R Vitelli, P Alifano, T Dragani, CB Bruni, C Bucci. Genetic mapping of the mouse Rab7 gene and pseudogene and of the human RAB7 homolog. Mamm genome 9: 448-452 (1998).
- L Carrano, C Bucci, R de Pascalis, A Lavitola, F Manna, E Corti, CB Bruni, P Alifano. Effects of Bicyclomycin on RNA- and ATP-binding activities of transcription termination factor Rho. Antimicrob. agents chem. 42: 571-578 (1998).
- C Laezza, C Bucci, M Santillo, CB Bruni, M Bifulco. Control of Rab5 and Rab7 expression by the isoprenoid pathway. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm. 248: 469-472 (1998).
- C Bucci, A Lavitola, P Salvatore, L Del Giudice, DR Massardo, CB Bruni, P Alifano. Hypermutation in pathogenic bacteria: frequent phase variation in meningococci is a phenotypic trait of a specialized mutator biotype. Mol. Cell 3:435-445 (1999).
- A Lavitola, C Bucci, P Salvatore, G Maresca, CB Bruni, P Alifano. Intracistronic transcription termination in polysialyltransferase gene (siaD) affects phase variation in Neisseria meningitidis. Mol Microbiol 33:119-127 (1999).
- C Bucci, M Chiariello, D Lattero, M Maiorano, CB Bruni. Interaction cloning and characterization of the cDNA encoding the Human Prenylated Rab Acceptor (Pra1). Biochem Biophys Res Comm 258:657-662 (1999).
- M Chiariello, CB Bruni, C Bucci. The small GTP-ases Rab5a,Rab5b and Rab5c are differentially phosphorylated in vitro. FEBS Lett. 453: 20-24 (1999). A32. J Callaghan, S Nixon, C Bucci, B-H Toh, H Stenmark. Direct interaction of EEA1 with Rab5b. Eur. J. Biochem (now FEBS journal) 265:361-366 (1999).
- C Bucci, P Thomsen, P Nicoziani, J McCarthy, B van Deurs. Rab7: a key to lysosome biogenesis. Mol. Biol. Cell 11: 467-480 (2000).
- P Salvatore, G Cantalupo, C Pagliarulo, M Tredici, A Lavitola, C Bucci, CB Bruni, P Alifano. A new plasmid vector for insertion of any DNA fragment into the chromosome of Neisseria. Plasmid 44:275-279 (2000).
- G Cantalupo, P Alifano, V Roberti, CB Bruni, C Bucci. Rab interacting lysosomal protein (RILP): the Rab7 effector required for transport to lysosomes. EMBO J 20: 683-693 (2001). A36. MW McCaffrey, A Bielli, G Cantalupo, S Mora, V Roberti, M Santillo, F Drummond, C Bucci. Rab4 affects both recycling and degradative endosomal trafficking. FEBS Lett 495:21-30 (2001).
- G. Cantalupo, C. Bucci, P. Salvatore, C. Pagliarulo, V. Roberti, A. Lavitola, C.B. Bruni, P. Alifano. Evolution and function of the neisserial dam-replacing gene. FEBS Lett 495:178-183 (2001).
- P Salvatore, C Pagliarulo, R Colicchio, P Zecca, G. Cantalupo, M Tredici, A Lavitola, C Bucci, CB Bruni, P Alifano. Identification, characterization, and variable expression of a naturally occurring inhibitor protein of IS1106 transposase in clinical isolates of Neisseria meningitidis.Infect. Immun. 69:7425-36 (2001).
- C Bucci, L De Gregorio, CB Bruni. Expression analysis and chromosomal assignment of PRA1 and RILP genes. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 286:815-9 (2001).
- AJ Lindsay, AG Hendrick, G Cantalupo, F Senic-Matuglia, B Goud, C Bucci, MW McCaffrey. Rab Coupling Protein (RCP), a novel Rab4 and Rab11 Effector protein. J Biol Chem 277:12190-12199 (2002).
- P Salvatore, C Bucci, C Pagliarulo, M Tredici, R Colicchio, G Cantalupo, M Bardaro, L Del Giudice, DR Massardo, A Lavitola, CB Bruni, P Alifano. Phenotypes of a Naturally Defective recB Allele in Neisseria meningitidis Clinical Isolates. Infect Immun. 70:4185-4195 (2002).
- L Carrano, P Alifano, E Corti, C Bucci, S Donadio. A new inhibitor of the transcription-termination factor Rho. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 302:219-225 (2003).
- OV Vieira, C Bucci, R Harrison, WS Trimble, PP di Fiore, J. Gruenberg, A Schreiber, PD Stahl, S Grinstein. Modulation of Rab5 and Rab7 recruitment to phagosomes by phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase. Mol. Cell Biol. 23: 2501-2514 (2003).
- RE Harrison*, C Bucci*, OV Vieira, TA Schroer, S Grinstein. Phagosomes fuse with lysosomes by extension of membrane protrusions along microtubules: role of Rab7 and RILP. Mol. Cell Biol. 23: 6494-6506 (2003). *equal contribution
- MC Pascale, F Belleudi, O Moltedo, S Franceschelli, MR Torrisi, C Bucci, JFB. Mercer, A Leone. Endosomal trafficking of the Menkes copper ATPase ATP7A is mediated by vesicles containing the Rab7 and Rab5 GTPase proteins. Exp. Cell Res.291: 377-385 (2003).
- J Guignot, E Caron, C Beuzon, C Bucci, J Kagan, C Roy, DW Holden. Microtubule motors control membrane dynamics of Salmonella-containing vacuoles. J. Cell Sci. 117: 1033-1045 (2004).
- RE Harrison, JH Brummel, A Khandani, C Bucci, CC Scott, X Jiang, BB Finlay, S Grinstein. Salmonella impairs RILP recruitment to Rab7 during maturation of invasion vacuoles. Mol. Biol. Cell 15: 3146-3154 (2004).
- S Jager, C Bucci, I Tanida, T Ueno, E Kominami , P Saftig, EL Eskelinen. Role for Rab7 in maturation of late autophagic vacuoles. J. Cell Sci 117:4837-48 (2004).
- LE Soni, CM Warren, C Bucci, DJ Orten, T Hasson. The unconventional myosin-VIIa associates with lysosomes. Cell Motil Cytoskeleton 62:13-26 (2005).
- AMR Colucci, MC Campana, M Bellopede, C Bucci. The Rab-interacting lysosomal protein, a Rab7 and Rab34 effector, is capable of self-interaction. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 334:128-33 (2005).
- S. Saxena, C. Bucci, J.Weis, A. Kruttgen. The Small GTPase Rab7 Controls the Endosomal Trafficking and Neuritogenic Signaling of the Nerve Growth Factor Receptor TrkA. J. Neurosci. 25:10930-10940 (2005).
- AMR Colucci, MR Spinosa, C Bucci. Espression, assay and functional properties of RILP. Method Enzymol 403:664-675 (2005).
- C. Monaco, A Talà, MR Spinosa, C Progida, E De Nitto, A Gaballo, CB Bruni, C Bucci, P Alifano. Identification of a meningococcal L-glutamate ABC Tranporter Operon essential for growth in low-sodium environments. Infect Immun. 74:1725-1740 (2006).
- C Progida, MR Spinosa, A De Luca, C Bucci. RILP interacts with the VPS22 component of the ESCRT-II complex. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 347:1074-1079 (2006).
- K Deinhardt, S Salinas, C Verastegui, R Watson, D Worth, S Hanrahan, C Bucci, G Schiavo. Rab5 and Rab7 Control Endocytic Sorting along the Axonal Retrograde Transport Pathway. Neuron 52:293-305 (2006).
- G Seebohm, N Strutz-Seebohm, R Birkin, G Dell, C Bucci, MR Spinosa, R Baltaev, AF Mack, G Korniychuk, A Choudhury, D Marks, RE Pagano, B Attali, A Pfeufer, RS Kass, MC Sanguinetti, JM Tavare, F Lang. Regulation of Endocytic Recycling of KCNQ1/KCNE1 Potassium Channels. Circ Res 100:686-692 (2007).
- MR Spinosa, C Progida, A Tala, L Cogli, P. Alifano, C Bucci. The Neisseria meningitidis Capsule Is Important for Intracellular Survival in Human Cells. Infect Immun. 75:3594-603 (2007).
- F Boero, C Bucci, AMR Colucci, C Gravili, L Stabili. Obelia (Cnidaria, Hydrozoam Campanulariidae): a microphagous, filterfeeding medusa. Mar. Ecol.-Evol. Persp. 28: 178-183 (2007).
- C Progida, L Malerød, S Stuffer, A Brech, C Bucci, H. Stenmark. RILP is required for proper morphology and function of late endosomes. J. Cell Sci. 120:3729-2738 (2007).
- J Sun, AE Deghmane, H Soualhine, T Hong, C Bucci, A. Solodkin, Z. Hmama. Mycobacterium Bovis BCG disrupts the interaction of Rab7 with RILP contributing to inhibition of phagosome maturation. J Leukoc Biol:82:1437-1445 (2007).
- MR Spinosa, C Progida, A De Luca, AMR Colucci, P Alifano, C Bucci. Functional characterization of Rab7 mutant proteins associated with Charcot-Marie-Tooth type 2b disease. J Neurosci 28: 1640-1648 (2008).
- AMR Colucci, B Peracino, A Talà, S Bozzaro, P Alifano, C Bucci. Dictyostelium discoideum as a model host for meningococcal pathogenesis. Med. Sci. Monitor 14:BR134-140 (2008).
- A De Luca, C Progida, MR Spinosa, P Alifano, C Bucci. Characterization of the Rab7 N157K mutant protein associated with Charcot-Marie-Tooth type 2b. Biochem. Biophys Res Commun 372:283-287 (2008).
- G Seebohm, N Strutz-Seebohm, ON Ureche, U Henrion, R Baltaev, AF Mack, G Korniychuk, K Steinke, D Tapken, A Pfeufer, S Kääb, C Bucci, B Attali, J Merot, JM Tavare, UC Hoppe, MC Sanguinetti, F Lang. Long QT syndrome-associated mutations in KCNQ1and KCNE1 subunits disrupt normal endosomal recycling of IKs channels. Circ Res. 103:1451-7 (2008).
- A Talà, C Progida, M De Stefano, L Cogli, MR Spinosa, C Bucci, P Alifano. The HrpB-HrpA two-partner secretion system is essential for intracellular survival of Neisseria meningitidis.Cell Microbiol. 10:2461-82 (2008).
- A. Talà, M. De Stefano M, C. Bucci, P. Alifano. Reverse transcriptase-PCR differential display analysis of meningococcal transcripts during infection of human cells: up-regulation of priA and its role in intracellular replication. BMC Microbiol. 8:131 (2008).
- M. Madeo, C. Carrisi, D. Iacopetta, L. Capobianco, A.R. Cappello, C. Bucci, F. Palmieri, G. Mazzeo, A. Montalto, V. Dolce. Abundant expression and purification of biologically active mitochondrial citrate carrier in baculovirus-infected insect cells. J Bioenerg Biomembr. 41:289-97 (2009).
- R. Colicchio, S. Ricci, F. Lamberti, C. Pagliarulo, C. Pagliuca, V. Braione, T. Braccini, A. Talà, D. Montanaro, S. Tripodi, M. Cintorino, G. Troncone, C. Bucci, G. Pozzi, C.B. Bruni, P. Alifano, P. Salvatore The meningococcal ABC-Type L-glutamate transporter GltT is necessary for the development of experimental meningitis in mice. Infect Immun. 77:3578-87 (2009).
- J. Sun, A.E. Deghmane, C.Bucci, Z. Hmama. Detection of activated Rab7 GTPase with an immobilized RILP probe. Methods Mol Biol. 531:57-69 (2009).
- J Sun, X Wang, A Lau, TY Liao, C Bucci, Z Hmama. Mycobacterial nucleoside diphosphate kinase blocks phagosome maturation in murine RAW 264.7 macrophages. PLoS One 5:e8769 (2010).
- C Progida, L Cogli, F Piro, A De Luca, O Bakke, C Bucci. Rab7b controls trafficking from endosomes to the TGN. J Cell Sci.123:1480-91 (2010).
- L Cogli, C Progida, R Lecci, R Bramato, A Krüttgen, C Bucci. CMT2B-associated Rab7 mutants inhibit neurite outgrowth. Acta Neuropathol.120: 491-501 (2010).
- C Progida, MS Nielsem, G Koster, C Bucci, O Bakke. Dynamics of Rab7b-dependent transport of sorting receptors. Traffic 13: 1273-1285 (2012).
- L Cogli, C Progida, CL Thomas, B Spencer-Dene, C Donno, G Schiavo, C Bucci. Charcot-Marie-Tooth type 2B disease-causing RAB7A mutant proteins show altered interaction with the neuronal intermediate filament peripherin. Acta Neuropathol 125: 257-272 (2013).
- L Cogli, C Progida, R Bramato, C Bucci. Vimentin phosphorylation and assembly are regulated by the small GTPase Rab7a. Biochim Biophys Acta 1833:1283-1293 (2013).
- A Panariti, B Lettiero, R Alexandrescu, M Collini, L Sironi, M Chanana, I Morjan, D Wang, G Chirico, G Miserocchi, C Bucci, I Rivolta. Dynamic investigation of interaction of biocompatible iron oxide nanoparticles with epithelial cells for biomedical applications. J. Biomed Nanotechnol. 9:1556-1569 (2013).
- A Talà, L Cogli, M De Stefano, M Cammarota, MR Spinosa, C Bucci, P Alifano. Serogroup-specific interaction of Neisseria meningitidis capsular polysaccharide with host cell microtubules and effects on tubulin polymerization. Infect Immun. 82:265-74 (2014).
- M De Luca, L Cogli, C Progida, V Nisi, R Pascolutti, S Sigismund, P Di Fiore, C Bucci. RILP regulates vacuolar ATPase through interaction with the V1G1 subunit. J. Cell Sci 127:2697-2708 (2014).
- C Raiborg, EM Wenzel, NM Pedersen, H Olsvik, KO Schink, SW Schultz, M Vietri, V Nisi, C Bucci, A Brech, T Johansen, H Stenmark. Repeated ER-endosome contacts promote endosome traslocation and neurite outgrowth. Nature 520:234-238 (2015).
- M De Luca, MM Ferraro, R Hartman, P Rivera-Gil, A Klingl, M Nazarenus, A Ramirez, WJ Parak, C Bucci, R Rinaldi, LL Del Mercato. Advances in use of Capsule-Based Fuorescent Sensor for Measuring Acidification of Endocytic Compartments in Cells with Altered Expression of V-ATPase Subunit V1G1. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces 7:15052-15060 (2015).
- R Colicchio, C Pagliuca, G Pastore, AG Cicatiello, C Pagliarulo, A Talà, E Scaglione, JC Sammartino, C Bucci, P Alifano, P Salvatore. Fitness cost of rifampin resistance in Neisseria meningitidis: in vitro study of mechanisms associated with rpoB H553Y mutation. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 59:7637-7649 (2015)
- LL del Mercato, F Guerra, G Lazzari, C Nobile, C Bucci, R Rinaldi. Biocompatible multilayer capsules engineered with a graphene oxide derivative: synthesis characterization and cellular uptake. Nanoscale 8:7501-7512 (2016).
- Sciancalepore, A. Portone, M. Moffa, L. Persano, M. De Luca, A. Paiano, F Sallustio, FP Schena, C Bucci, D Pisignano. Micropatterning control of tubular commitment in human adult renal cell stem cells. Biomaterials 94:57-69 (2016).
- A Mascia, F Gentile, A Izzo, N Mollo, M De Luca, C Bucci, L Nitsch, G Calì. Rab7 Regulates CDH1 endocytosis, circular dorsal ruffles genesis and thyroglobulin internalization in a thyroid cell line. J Cell Physiol 231:1695-1708 (2016).
- A Margiotta, C Progida, O Bakke, C Bucci. Rab7 regulates cell migration through Rac1 and vimentin. Biochim. Biophys Acta 1864:367-381 (2017).
- J Zhang, JL Johnson, J He, G Napolitano, M Ramadass, C Rocca, WB Kiosses, C Bucci, Q Xin, E Gavathiotis, AM Cuervo, S Cherqui, SD Catz Cystinosin, the small GTPase Rab11, and the Rab7 effector RILP regulate intracellular trafficking of the chaperone-mediated autophagy receptor LAMP2A J Biol Chem 292:10328-10346 (2017).
- G Girolimetti, F Guerra, L Iommarini, I Kurelac, D Vergara, M Maffia, M Vidone, LB Amato, G Leone, S Dusi, V Tiranti, AM Perrone, C Bucci, AM Porcelli, G Gasparre. Platinum-induced mitochondrial DNA mutations confer lower sensitivity to paclitaxel by impairing tubulin cytoskeletal organization. Human Mol Genet 26:2961-2974 (2017).
- A Margiotta, C Progida, O Bakke, C Bucci Characterization of the role of RILP in cell migration. Eur J Histochem 61:2783 (2017).
- D Vergara, E Stanca, F Guerra, P Priore, A Gaballo, J Franck, P Simeone, M Trerotola, S De Domenico, I Fournier, C Bucci, M Salzet, AM Giudetti, M Maffia. Beta-catenin knockdown affects mitochondrial biogenesis and lipid metabolism in breast cancer cells. Front Physiol 8:544 (2017).
- C Saponaro, S Sergio, A Coluccia, M De Luca, G La Regina, L Mologni, V Famiglini, V Naccarato, D Bonetti, C Gautier, S Gianni, D Vergara, M Salzet, I Fournier, C Bucci, R Silvestri, CG Passerini, M Maffia, AML Coluccia. β-catenin knockdown promotes NHERF1-mediated survival of colorectal cancer cells: implications for a double-targeted therapy. Oncogene 37:3301-3316 (2018).
- D Colecchia, M Stasi, M Leonardi, F Manganelli, M Nolano, BM Veneziani, L Santoro, E-L Eskelinen, M Chiariello, C Bucci. Alterations of autophagy in the peripheral neuropathy Charcot-Marie-Tooth type 2B. Autophagy 14: 930-941 (2018).
- D Vergara, M Bianco, R Pagano, P Priore, P Lunetti, F Guerra, S Bettini, S Carallo, A Zizzari, E Pitotti, L Giotta, L Capobianco, C Bucci, L Valli, M Maffia, V Arima, A Gaballo. An SPR-based immunoassay for the sensitive detection of the soluble epithelial marker E-cadherin. Nanomedicine 14: 1963-1971 (2018).
- S Rella, E Mazzotta, A Caroli, M De Luca, C Bucci, C Malitesta. Investigation of polydopamine coatings by X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy as an effective tool for improving biomolecule conjugation. Appl Surface Sci 447:31-39 (2018).
- F Guerra, A Paiano, D Migoni, G Girolimetti, AM Perrone, P De Iaco, FP Fanizzi, G Gasparre, C Bucci. Modulation of RAB7A protein expression determines resistance to cisplatin through late endocytic pathway impairment and extracellular vesicular secretion. Cancers (Basel) 11(1) pii: E52 (2019).
- A Picca, F Guerra, R Calvani, C Bucci, MR Lo Monaco, AR Bentivoglio, F Landi, R Bernabei, E Marzetti. Mitochondrial-Derived Vesicles as Candidate Biomarkers in Parkinson's Disease: Rationale, Design and Methods of the EXosomes in PArkiNson Disease (EXPAND) Study. Int J Mol Sci 14;20(10). pii: E2373 (2019).
- F Guerra, G Girolimetti, R Beli, M Mitruccio, C Pacelli, A Ferretta, G Gasparre, T Cocco, C Bucci Synerigistic effect of mitochondrial and lysosomal dysfunction in Parkinson’s disease. Cells. 8(5) pii: E452 (2019).
- P Semeraro, Z Syrgiannis, S Bettini, G Giancane, F Guerra, A Fraix, C Bucci, S Sortino, M Prato, L Valli. Singlet oxygen photo-production by perylene bisimide derivative Langmuir-Schaefer films for photodynamic therapy applications. J Colloid Interface Sci 553:390-401 (2019).
- A Picca, F Guerra, R Calvani, F. Marini, A Biancolillo, G Landi, R Beli, F Landi, R Bernabei, AR Bentivoglio, MRL Monaco, C Bucci*, E Marzetti. Mitochondrial signatures in circulating extracellular vesicles of older adults with Parkinson’s disease: Results form the EXosomes in PArkiNson’s Disease (EXPAND) Study. J Clin Med 9(2):E504 (2020) *co-corresponding author
- L Avrahami, R Paz, K Dominko, S Hecimovic, C Bucci, H Eldar-Finkelman. GSK-3-TSC axis governs lysosomal acidification through autophagy and endocytic pathways. Cell Signal 71:109597 (2020).
- P Saveri, M De Luca, V Nisi, C Pisciotta, R Romano, G Piscosquito, MM Reilly, JM Polke, T Cavallaro, GM Fabrizi, P Fossa, E Cichero, R Lombardi, G Lauria, S Magri, F Taroni, D Pareyson, C Bucci. Charcot-Marie-Tooth type 2B: A new phenotype associated with a novel RAB7A mutation and inhibited EGFR degradation. Cells. 9(4):1028 (2020).
- A Picca, R Beli, R Calvani, HJ Coelho-Júnior, F Landi, R Bernabei, C Bucci, F Guerra, E Marzetti. Older aldults with physical frailty and sarcopenia show increased levels of circulating small extracellular vesicles with a specific mitochondrial signature. Cells 9(4):973 (2020).
- E Marzetti, F Guerra, R Calvani, F Marini, A Biancolillo, J Gervasoni, A Primiano, HJ Coelho-Júnior, F Landi, R Bernabei, C Bucci, A Picca. Circulating mitochondrial-derived vesicles, inflammatory biomarkers and amino acids in older adults with physical frailty and sarcopenia: A preliminay BIOSHPERE multi-marker study using sequential and orthogonalized covariance selection – linear discriminant analysis. Front Cell Dev Biol. 8:564417 (2020).
- AM Giudetti, F Guerra, S Longo, R Beli, R Romano, F Manganelli, M Nolano, V Mangini, L Santoro, C Bucci. An altered lipid metabolism characterizes Charcot-Marie-Tooth type 2B peripheral neuropathy. Biochim Biophys Acta Mol Cell Biol Lipids. 1865(12):158805 (2020).
- R Romano, C Rivellini, M De Luca, R Tonlorenzi, R Beli, F Manganelli, M Nolano, L Santoro, EL Eskelinen, SC Previtali, C Bucci. Alteration of the late endocytic pathway in Charcot-Marie-Tooth type 2B disease. Cell Mol Life Sci 78:351-372 (2021).
- M Calcagnile, P Forgez, A Iannelli, C Bucci, M Alifano, P Alifano. Molecular docking simulation reveals ACE2 polymorphisms that may increase the affinity of ACE with the SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein. Biochimie 180:143-148 (2021).
- M De Luca, R Romano, C Bucci. Role of the V1G1 subunit of V-ATPase in breast cancer cell migration. Sci Rep 11:4615 (2021)
- DJ Klionsky et al. Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring autophagy (4th edition) Autophagy 17: 1-382 (2021).
- R Romano, M Calcagnile, A Margiotta, L Franci, M Chiariello, P Alifano, C Bucci. RAB7A regulates vimentin phosphorylation through AKT and PAK. Cancers 13 (9): 2220 (2021).
- R Romano, VS del Fiore, P Saveri, IE Palamà, C Pisciotta, D Pareyson, C Bucci and F Guerra. Autophagy and lysosomal functionality in CMT2B fibroblasts carrying the RAB7K126R mutation. Cells 11:496 (2022).
- A Chandra, S Prasad, F Alemanno, M De Luca, R Rizzo, R Romano, G Gigli, C Bucci, A Barra, LL Del Mercato. Fully automated computational approach for precisely measuring organelle acidification with optical pH sensors. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces 14: 18133-18149 (2022).
- C. Bucci, M. Chiariello. Signal transduction gRABs attention. Cell Signal. 18:1-8 (2006).
- S. Bozzaro, C. Bucci, M. Steinert. Phagocytosis and host-pathogen interactions in Dictyostelium with a look at macrophages. Int Rev Cell Mol Biol. (former Int. Rev. Cytol.) 271: 253-300 (2008).
- L. Cogli, F. Piro, C. Bucci. Rab7 and the CMT2B disease. Biochem Soc Trans. 37:1027-31 (2009).
- C. Bucci, O. Bakke, C. Progida. Rab7b and receptors trafficking. Commun. Integr Biol 3:401-404 (2010).
- C. Bucci, O. Bakke, C. Progida. Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease and intracellular traffic. Progress in Neurobiol 99: 191-225 (2012).
- C. Bucci, M. De Luca. Molecular basis of Charcot-Marie-Tooth type2B disease. Biochem Soc Trans 40: 1368-1372 (2012).
- A.L. Aloisi, C. Bucci. Rab GTPases-cargo direct interactions: fine modulator of intracellular trafficking. Histol. Histopathol 28: 839-849 (2013).
- M. De Luca, C. Bucci. A new V-ATPase regulatory mechanism mediated by the Rab interacting lysosomal protein (RILP). Commun Integr Biol 7: e29616 (2014).
- C Bucci, P Alifano, L. Cogli. The role of Rab proteins in neuronal cells and in the trafficking of neurotrophin receptors. Membranes 4: 642-677 (2014).
- M Stasi, M De Luca, C Bucci. Two-hybrid-based systems: Powerful tools for investigation of membrane traffic machineries. J Biotechnology 202: 105-117 (2015).
- A Margiotta, C Bucci. Role of intermediate filaments in vesicular traffic. Cells 5:20 (2016).
- F Guerra, C Bucci. Multiple roles of the small GTPase Rab7. Cells 5:34 (2016).
- F Guerra, N Guaragnella, AA Arbini, C Bucci, S Giannattasio, L Moro. Mitochondrial Dysfunction: a Novel Potential Driver of Epithelial-to-Mesenchymal Transition in Cancer. Frontiers in Oncology 7:295 (2017).
- A Picca, F Guerra, R Calvani, C Bucci, MR Lo Monaco, AR Bentivoglio, HJ Coelho-Júnior, F Landi, R Bernabei, E Marzetti. Mitochondrial dysfunction and aging: Insights from the analysis of extracellular vesicles. Int J Mol Sci 20(4). pii: E805 (2019).
- A Margiotta, C Bucci. Coordination between Rac1 and Rab proteins: Functional implications in health and disease Cells 8(5). pii: e396 (2019).
- A Paiano, A Margiotta, M De Luca, C Bucci. Yeast two-hybrid assay to identify interacting proteins. Curr Protoc Protein Sci 95(1): E70 (2019).
- F Guerra, C Bucci. Role of the RAB7 protein in Tumor Progression and Cisplatin Resistance. Cancers 11(8) pii: E1096 (2019).
- A Picca, F Guerra, R Calvani, HJ Coelho-Junior, M Bossola, F Landi, R Bernabei, C Bucci*, E Marzetti. Generation and release of mitochondrial-derived vesicles in health, aging and disease. J Clin Med 9(5):E1440 (2020). *co-corresponding author
- R Romano and C Bucci. Role of EGFR in the nervous system. Cells 9 (8):1887 (2020).
- A Picca, F Guerra, R Calvani, HJ Coelho-Junior, F Landi, R Bernabei, R Romano, C Bucci and E Marzetti. Extracellular Vesicles and Damage-Associated Molecular Patterns: A Pandora's Box in Health and Disease. Front Immunol 11:601740 (2020).
- R Romano, A Picca, LHU Eusebi, E Marzetti, R Calvani, L Moro, C Bucci*, F Guerra. Extracellular vesicles and pancreatic cancer: insights on the role of miRNA, lncRNA, and protein cargos in cancer progression. Cells 10(6): 1361 (2021). *co-corresponding author
- A Picca, F Guerra, R. Calvani, R Romano, HJ Coelho-Junior, C Bucci, E Marzetti. Mitochondrial dysfunction, protein misfolding and neuroinflammation in Parkinson’s disease: roads to biomarker discovery. Biomolecules 11(10):1508 (2021).
- A Picca, F Guerra, R Calvani, HJ Coelho-Junior, C Bucci and E Marzetti. Circulating extracellular vesicles: friends and foes in neurodegeneration. Neural Regen Research 17(3):534-542 (2022).
- A Picca, F Guerra, R Calvani, R Romano, HJ Coelho-Junior, FP Damiano, C Bucci, E Marzetti. Circulating mitochondrial DNA and inter-organelle contact sites in aging and associated conditions. Cells 11(4):675 (2022).
- A Picca, F Guerra, R Calvani, R Romano, HJ Coelho-Junior, C Bucci, C Leeuwenburgh, E Marzetti. Mitochondrial-derived vesicles in skeletal muscle remodeling and adaptation. Semin Cell Dev Biol 30-S2084-9521(22)00095-7 (2022).
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