Valentina NDOU

Valentina NDOU

Ricercatore Universitario

Settore Scientifico Disciplinare ING-IND/35: INGEGNERIA ECONOMICO-GESTIONALE.

Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Innovazione

Centro Ecotekne Pal. O - S.P. 6, Lecce - Monteroni - LECCE (LE)

Ufficio, Piano terra

Centro Cultura Innovativa d`Impresa

Edificio "Aldo Romano" - S.P. 6, Lecce - Monteroni - LECCE (LE)

Incubatore Euro-Mediterraneo, Piano terra

Telefono +39 0832 29 7923

Area di competenza:

Innovation, technology entrepreneurship, Project management, Digital tourism, digital transformation

Orario di ricevimento

10.00-12.00 lunedì, mercoledi

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Curriculum Vitae

Dr. Valentina Ndou è Ricercatrice a tempo indeterminato presso il Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell’Innovazione dell’Università del Salento e Professore Aggregato presso la Facoltà di Ingegneria della stessa Università, relativamente al settore scientifico disciplinare ING-IND/35 (Ingegneria Economico-Gestionale).

Ha conseguito l’Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale (ASN) per il ruolo di Professore di II fascia nel Settore concorsuale 09/B3 - Ingegneria Economico-Gestionale.

Da Maggio  2018 e’ Project Manager del Progetto “NEST- Networking for smart tourism development' ammesso a finanziamento dal programma comunitaria Interreg IPA Cbc Italia- Albania-Montenegro. 

Le sue attività di ricerca sono fortemente orientate all’innovazione con particolare focus all’impatto che tale innovazione ha sui processi e sui modelli organizzativi delle imprese dei vari settori, nuovi modelli di business per la creazione del valore, processi di innovazione collaborativa in ambienti internet-based e imprenditorialità tecnologica innovativa.

Nell’ultimo triennio ha svolto un’attività scientifica caratterizzata da focus interdisciplinare, con prevalente interesse verso:
(a) Gestione della Imprenditorialità tecnologica innovativa;
(b) Nuovi modelli di business per le imprese tursitiche e per le destinazioni
(c) Digital transformation

E' coinvolta nelle attività di ricerca di diversi progetti Nazionali ed Europei e nelle attività di ricerca e formazione svolte con partner istituzionali in Giordania, Marocco e Tunisia. E’ autrice di diverse pubblicazioni in riviste internazionali e proceedings di conferenze internazionali. D. E’ anche membro di Technical Committees di conferenze internazionali e svolge il ruolo di Reviewer in differenti riviste internazionali.

È titolare del corso Project Management (6 CFU)  - Master degree in Management Engineering first year (English) A.A. 2019/2020; e del corso ‘Advanced Project Management’, Laurea Magistrale Internazionale 'Digotal humanities' (ex-EUROMACHS - European Heritage, Digital Media and the Information), Università del Salento. È autrice diverse pubblicazioni scientifiche su rivista, volumi, e atti di conferenze internazionali, tutte con referee.


Scarica curriculum vitae


A.A. 2023/2024



Course type Laurea Magistrale

Language INGLESE

Credits 6.0

Teaching hours Ore totali di attività frontale: 42.0

Year taught 2023/2024

For matriculated on 2022/2023

Course year 2


Subject matter COMUNE/GENERICO

Project Management


Tipo corso di studio Laurea Magistrale


Crediti 8.0

Ripartizione oraria Ore totali di attività frontale: 48.0

Anno accademico di erogazione 2023/2024

Per immatricolati nel 2023/2024

Anno di corso 1


Percorso Percorso comune



Course type Laurea Magistrale

Language INGLESE

Credits 6.0

Owner professor Alessandro MARGHERITA

Teaching hours Ore totali di attività frontale: 54.0

  Ore erogate dal docente Valentina NDOU: 36.0

Year taught 2023/2024

For matriculated on 2023/2024

Course year 1


Subject matter Percorso comune

Location Lecce

A.A. 2022/2023



Course type Laurea Magistrale

Language INGLESE

Credits 6.0

Teaching hours Ore totali di attività frontale: 42.0

Year taught 2022/2023

For matriculated on 2021/2022

Course year 2


Subject matter COMUNE/GENERICO



Course type Laurea Magistrale

Language INGLESE

Credits 6.0

Owner professor Valentina NDOU

Teaching hours Ore totali di attività frontale: 54.0

  Ore erogate dal docente Valentina NDOU: 36.0

Year taught 2022/2023

For matriculated on 2022/2023

Course year 1


Subject matter Percorso comune

Location Lecce

A.A. 2021/2022



Course type Laurea Magistrale

Language INGLESE

Credits 6.0

Teaching hours Ore totali di attività frontale: 42.0

Year taught 2021/2022

For matriculated on 2020/2021

Course year 2


Subject matter COMUNE/GENERICO



Course type Laurea Magistrale

Language INGLESE

Credits 6.0

Teaching hours Ore totali di attività frontale: 54.0

Year taught 2021/2022

For matriculated on 2021/2022

Course year 1


Subject matter Percorso comune

Location Lecce

A.A. 2020/2021



Course type Laurea Magistrale

Language INGLESE

Credits 6.0

Teaching hours Ore totali di attività frontale: 42.0

Year taught 2020/2021

For matriculated on 2019/2020

Course year 2



A.A. 2019/2020



Course type Laurea Magistrale

Language INGLESE

Credits 6.0

Teaching hours Ore totali di attività frontale: 42.0

Year taught 2019/2020

For matriculated on 2018/2019

Course year 2



A.A. 2018/2019



Course type Laurea Magistrale

Language INGLESE

Credits 6.0

Teaching hours Ore totali di attività frontale: 42.0

Year taught 2018/2019

For matriculated on 2017/2018

Course year 2



Torna all'elenco


Subject area ING-IND/35

Course type Laurea Magistrale

Credits 6.0

Teaching hours Ore totali di attività frontale: 42.0

For matriculated on 2022/2023

Year taught 2023/2024

Course year 2

Semestre Primo Semestre (dal 18/09/2023 al 12/01/2024)

Language INGLESE

Subject matter COMUNE/GENERICO (999)

No specific pre-requisities for the course 

The course focuses on project management methodologies and tools. At the end of the course the student has the basic and advanced knowledge to organize, plan and control a project and to identify the development and launch strategies of a new product and service. In particular, the student knows the dynamics and critical aspects of project management, planning tools (scope statement, WBS, RAM, Gantt, Diagram, Network Diagram), tools for stakeholder and risk management, tools for controlling a project using the EVM methodology.

The Project Management course aims to provide knowledge and competences and skills in three important aspects of project management:

  • a) the project planning methodologies according the standard of Project Management Institute (PMI);
  • b) the theory, methods, quantitative tools and software used to effectively plan, organize, and control projects;
  • c) hands-on, practical project management knowledge from on-site situations and the development of a Project Management Plan as project work activities for the course.

The course contents relies on the standard of the Project Management body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) Sixth EDITION 2017. Within the framework, students learn the methodologies and tools necessary for each aspect of the process as well as the theories upon which these are built.


Project life-cycle

The processes of project management

The Project charter

The scope of project and Time Management

Management of project costs

Management of project quality

Human resource management

The course has the objective to offer basic and advanced knowledge to program and manage projects. The teaching seeks to create professional profiles able to respond to needs of public and private sector for the ideation, development and evaluation of the project proposal. 

At the end of the course the students should be able to:

  • describe the 10 knowledge area of the Project management according to the Project Management body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide);
  • define the scope of a project and develop the project charter and project management plan;
  • use Gantt charts to present the activities of a project and Apply PERT Techniques for project planning;
  • apply the International Project Management Standards from the Project Management Institute (the PMBOK® Guide) to real-world situations;
  • apply the indicators to assess the performance of a project (EVA Earned Value Management Model);
  • communicate effectively and expressing arguments with preciseness, and debating findings;
  • develop effective writing skills through assignment reports .

Face-to-face Lecturers


Project work

Project work – 60 %

Exam – 40%

Questions related to the contents of the course.

Questions related to the project work developed.

To all students that frequent the course is offered a Participation Certificate form project management institute, Southern Chapter, that recognize 32 hours of project management. This is made possible thanks to the agreement signed by Engineering faculty and PMI southern chapter. 


· The context of project management

· European, national and regional programs (Horizon2020, FESR, PON, COSME, Erasmus, etc)

· Standards and e Certifications (Il PMBOK® Guide)

· Terminology

Project life-cycle

· Relation between product and project lifecycle

· The phases of the project

· The relationship between phases

The processes of project management

· Introduction to the processes of PM

· The 5 groups of PM processes

· The 9 areas of PM knowledge

The Project charter

· Develop the project charter

· Develop the plan of project management

The scope of project and Time Management

· Define the project scope

· The processes of Time Management

· Define the activities

· Resource estimation

· Develop and control scheduling

Management of project costs

· The processes of Time Management

· Cost estimation

· Budget determination

· Cost control

Management of project quality

· Quality planning

· Execute the quality control

Human resource management

· Develop the HR resources

· Manage the project team

A guide to the project management body of knowledge, Project Management Institute.

Lecturer notes.

Project Management


Settore Scientifico Disciplinare ING-IND/35

Tipo corso di studio Laurea Magistrale

Crediti 8.0

Ripartizione oraria Ore totali di attività frontale: 48.0

Per immatricolati nel 2023/2024

Anno accademico di erogazione 2023/2024

Anno di corso 1

Semestre Secondo Semestre (dal 04/03/2024 al 07/06/2024)


Percorso Percorso comune (999)

Basic knowledge about Business management and Cost accounting

The course focuses on project management methodologies and tools. At the end of the course the student has the basic and advanced knowledge to organize, plan and control a project and to identify the development and launch strategies of a new product and service. In particular, the student knows the dynamics and critical aspects of project management, planning tools (scope statement, WBS, RAM, Gantt, Diagram, Network Diagram), tools for stakeholder and risk management, tools for controlling a project using the EVM methodology.

The Project Management course aims to provide knowledge and competences and skills in three important aspects of project management:

  • a) the project planning methodologies according the standard of Project Management Institute (PMI);
  • b) the theory, methods, quantitative tools and software used to effectively plan, organize, and control projects;
  • c) hands-on, practical project management knowledge from on-site situations and the development of a Project Management Plan as project work activities for the course.

The course contents relies on the standard of the Project Management body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) Seventh EDITION . Within the framework, students learn the methodologies and tools necessary for each aspect of the process as well as the theories upon which these are built.

At the end of the course the students should be able to:

  • describe the 10 knowledge area of the Project management according to the Project Management body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide);
  • define the scope of a project and develop the project charter and project management plan;
  • use Gantt charts to present the activities of a project and Apply PERT Techniques for project planning;
  • apply the International Project Management Standards from the Project Management Institute (the PMBOK® Guide) to real-world situations;
  • apply the indicators to assess the performance of a project (EVA Earned Value Management Model);
  • communicate effectively and expressing arguments with preciseness, and debating findings;
  • develop effective writing skills through assignment reports .

The course consists of frontal lessons for about 50% of the course. Lessons are integrated with exercise sessions (about 30% of the course) for the different areas covered: the project context and organisation, project planning, project control, risk management. Exercises sessions are based on short case and applications to the assigned project work.
Laboratory activities and team work (about 10%) are foreseen on the following topics: Project charter development, project management plan, project team management, project planning with the use of MS Project software, stakeholder management. The course requires students to carry out a group work and about 10% of the lessons will be dedicated to explaining and reviewing the work with the students.

Seminars and guest lectures will be organized in collaboration with the PMI Project management Institute and held by managers, focused on the behavioral skills and methodologies needed for the management of projects in complex organizations

Not attending students are required to contact the teacher ( at the beginning of the course to decide together how to manage the project work activities.

Group assignment (project work): 40% of the final mark. The project work will be related to the development of a project charter and a project management plan starting from an idea developed by students. Students must deliver a final report at the end of the course (power point presentation), and they will use of a specific sw tool for project planning. The final project work will be presented in front of a scientific committee composed by expert in the field of Project management.

- Individual oral exam: (60% of the final mark) the oral exam lasting about 20 minutes based on theoretical questions in line with what was done in the Lessons in the classroom .

For not attending students the assessment methodologies will be the same. In this case the project work could be developed individually.

The course contents relies on the standard of the  Project Management body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) sixth EDITION 2017. Within the framework, students learn the methodologies and tools necessary for each aspect of the process as well as the theories upon which these are built.

Introduction to Project Management (10 hours): Introduction to the Project Management Course, the importance of project, the project and the organisation, project manager role and competence, project life cycle,

Project management Canvas (18 hours): The project management canvas as a framework to design, manage, implement and control a project (. PM canvas pillars: project context, project infrastructure (resources and budget); System (coordination); project’s impact (value); Life Cycle ( Activities and time)

The Project Management Knowledge Area (PMBOK® Guide) (26 hours). The Knowledge areas and Process of Project Management; Project Integration Management, Project Scope Management; Project Time Management; Project Cost Management; Project Quality Management; Project Stakeholder  Management; Project Risk Management; Project Procurement Management;  Project  Communication Management; Project  Human Resource Management


Project Management Institute “A Guide to Project Management body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide)” Seventh EDITION, 2021.

Alessandro Margherita, Gianluca Elia, Giustina Secundo (2018) “Building a Project Mindset: A Canvas for Managing Project Complexity“ Franco Angeli.

Corbucci D "Agile Project Management-Overview delle principali metodologie Agile, Agile Mindset e guida all'esame di certificazione PMI-ACP®, 2019

Project Management (ING-IND/35)


Subject area ING-IND/35

Course type Laurea Magistrale

Credits 6.0

Owner professor Alessandro MARGHERITA

Teaching hours Ore totali di attività frontale: 54.0

  Ore erogate dal docente Valentina NDOU: 36.0

For matriculated on 2023/2024

Year taught 2023/2024

Course year 1

Semestre Primo Semestre (dal 18/09/2023 al 22/12/2023)

Language INGLESE

Subject matter Percorso comune (999)

Location Lecce

Basic knowledge about Business management and Cost accounting

The course focuses on project management methodologies and tools. At the end of the course the student has the basic and advanced knowledge to organize, plan and control a project and to identify the development and launch strategies of a new product and service. In particular, the student knows the dynamics and critical aspects of project management, planning tools (scope statement, WBS, RAM, Gantt, Diagram, Network Diagram), tools for stakeholder and risk management, tools for controlling a project using the EVM methodology.

The Project Management course aims to provide knowledge and competences and skills in three important aspects of project management:

  • a) the project planning methodologies according the standard of Project Management Institute (PMI);
  • b) the theory, methods, quantitative tools and software used to effectively plan, organize, and control projects;
  • c) hands-on, practical project management knowledge from on-site situations and the development of a Project Management Plan as project work activities for the course.

The course contents relies on the standard of the Project Management body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) Seventh EDITION . Within the framework, students learn the methodologies and tools necessary for each aspect of the process as well as the theories upon which these are built.

At the end of the course the students should be able to:

  • describe the 10 knowledge area of the Project management according to the Project Management body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide);
  • define the scope of a project and develop the project charter and project management plan;
  • use Gantt charts to present the activities of a project and Apply PERT Techniques for project planning;
  • apply the International Project Management Standards from the Project Management Institute (the PMBOK® Guide) to real-world situations;
  • apply the indicators to assess the performance of a project (EVA Earned Value Management Model);
  • communicate effectively and expressing arguments with preciseness, and debating findings;
  • develop effective writing skills through assignment reports .

The course consists of frontal lessons for about 50% of the course. Lessons are integrated with exercise sessions (about 30% of the course) for the different areas covered: the project context and organisation, project planning, project control, risk management. Exercises sessions are based on short case and applications to the assigned project work.
Laboratory activities and team work (about 10%) are foreseen on the following topics: Project charter development, project management plan, project team management, project planning with the use of MS Project software, stakeholder management. The course requires students to carry out a group work and about 10% of the lessons will be dedicated to explaining and reviewing the work with the students.

Seminars and guest lectures will be organized in collaboration with the PMI Project management Institute and held by managers, focused on the behavioral skills and methodologies needed for the management of projects in complex organizations

Not attending students are required to contact the teacher ( at the beginning of the course to decide together how to manage the project work activities.

Group assignment (project work): 40% of the final mark. The project work will be related to the development of a project charter and a project management plan starting from an idea developed by students. Students must deliver a final report at the end of the course (power point presentation), and they will use of a specific sw tool for project planning. The final project work will be presented in front of a scientific committee composed by expert in the field of Project management.

- Individual oral exam: (60% of the final mark) the oral exam lasting about 20 minutes based on theoretical questions in line with what was done in the Lessons in the classroom .

For not attending students the assessment methodologies will be the same. In this case the project work could be developed individually.

The course contents relies on the standard of the  Project Management body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) sixth EDITION 2017. Within the framework, students learn the methodologies and tools necessary for each aspect of the process as well as the theories upon which these are built.

Introduction to Project Management (10 hours): Introduction to the Project Management Course, the importance of project, the project and the organisation, project manager role and competence, project life cycle,

Project management Canvas (18 hours): The project management canvas as a framework to design, manage, implement and control a project (. PM canvas pillars: project context, project infrastructure (resources and budget); System (coordination); project’s impact (value); Life Cycle ( Activities and time)

The Project Management Knowledge Area (PMBOK® Guide) (26 hours). The Knowledge areas and Process of Project Management; Project Integration Management, Project Scope Management; Project Time Management; Project Cost Management; Project Quality Management; Project Stakeholder  Management; Project Risk Management; Project Procurement Management;  Project  Communication Management; Project  Human Resource Management


Project Management Institute “A Guide to Project Management body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide)” Seventh EDITION, 2021.

Alessandro Margherita, Gianluca Elia, Giustina Secundo (2018) “Building a Project Mindset: A Canvas for Managing Project Complexity“ Franco Angeli.

Corbucci D "Agile Project Management-Overview delle principali metodologie Agile, Agile Mindset e guida all'esame di certificazione PMI-ACP®, 2019



Subject area ING-IND/35

Course type Laurea Magistrale

Credits 6.0

Teaching hours Ore totali di attività frontale: 42.0

For matriculated on 2021/2022

Year taught 2022/2023

Course year 2

Semestre Primo Semestre (dal 19/09/2022 al 13/01/2023)

Language INGLESE

Subject matter COMUNE/GENERICO (999)

No specific pre-requisities for the course 

The course focuses on project management methodologies and tools. At the end of the course the student has the basic and advanced knowledge to organize, plan and control a project and to identify the development and launch strategies of a new product and service. In particular, the student knows the dynamics and critical aspects of project management, planning tools (scope statement, WBS, RAM, Gantt, Diagram, Network Diagram), tools for stakeholder and risk management, tools for controlling a project using the EVM methodology.

The Project Management course aims to provide knowledge and competences and skills in three important aspects of project management:

  • a) the project planning methodologies according the standard of Project Management Institute (PMI);
  • b) the theory, methods, quantitative tools and software used to effectively plan, organize, and control projects;
  • c) hands-on, practical project management knowledge from on-site situations and the development of a Project Management Plan as project work activities for the course.

The course contents relies on the standard of the Project Management body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) Sixth EDITION 2017. Within the framework, students learn the methodologies and tools necessary for each aspect of the process as well as the theories upon which these are built.


Project life-cycle

The processes of project management

The Project charter

The scope of project and Time Management

Management of project costs

Management of project quality

Human resource management

The course has the objective to offer basic and advanced knowledge to program and manage projects. The teaching seeks to create professional profiles able to respond to needs of public and private sector for the ideation, development and evaluation of the project proposal. 

At the end of the course the students should be able to:

  • describe the 10 knowledge area of the Project management according to the Project Management body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide);
  • define the scope of a project and develop the project charter and project management plan;
  • use Gantt charts to present the activities of a project and Apply PERT Techniques for project planning;
  • apply the International Project Management Standards from the Project Management Institute (the PMBOK® Guide) to real-world situations;
  • apply the indicators to assess the performance of a project (EVA Earned Value Management Model);
  • communicate effectively and expressing arguments with preciseness, and debating findings;
  • develop effective writing skills through assignment reports .

Face-to-face Lecturers


Project work

Project work – 60 %

Exam – 40%

Questions related to the contents of the course.

Questions related to the project work developed.

To all students that frequent the course is offered a Participation Certificate form project management institute, Southern Chapter, that recognize 32 hours of project management. This is made possible thanks to the agreement signed by Engineering faculty and PMI southern chapter. 


· The context of project management

· European, national and regional programs (Horizon2020, FESR, PON, COSME, Erasmus, etc)

· Standards and e Certifications (Il PMBOK® Guide)

· Terminology

Project life-cycle

· Relation between product and project lifecycle

· The phases of the project

· The relationship between phases

The processes of project management

· Introduction to the processes of PM

· The 5 groups of PM processes

· The 9 areas of PM knowledge

The Project charter

· Develop the project charter

· Develop the plan of project management

The scope of project and Time Management

· Define the project scope

· The processes of Time Management

· Define the activities

· Resource estimation

· Develop and control scheduling

Management of project costs

· The processes of Time Management

· Cost estimation

· Budget determination

· Cost control

Management of project quality

· Quality planning

· Execute the quality control

Human resource management

· Develop the HR resources

· Manage the project team

A guide to the project management body of knowledge, Project Management Institute.

Lecturer notes.



Subject area ING-IND/35

Course type Laurea Magistrale

Credits 6.0

Owner professor Valentina NDOU

Teaching hours Ore totali di attività frontale: 54.0

  Ore erogate dal docente Valentina NDOU: 36.0

For matriculated on 2022/2023

Year taught 2022/2023

Course year 1

Semestre Primo Semestre (dal 19/09/2022 al 16/12/2022)

Language INGLESE

Subject matter Percorso comune (999)

Location Lecce

Basic knowledge about Business management and Cost accounting

The course focuses on project management methodologies and tools. At the end of the course the student has the basic and advanced knowledge to organize, plan and control a project and to identify the development and launch strategies of a new product and service. In particular, the student knows the dynamics and critical aspects of project management, planning tools (scope statement, WBS, RAM, Gantt, Diagram, Network Diagram), tools for stakeholder and risk management, tools for controlling a project using the EVM methodology.

The Project Management course aims to provide knowledge and competences and skills in three important aspects of project management:

  • a) the project planning methodologies according the standard of Project Management Institute (PMI);
  • b) the theory, methods, quantitative tools and software used to effectively plan, organize, and control projects;
  • c) hands-on, practical project management knowledge from on-site situations and the development of a Project Management Plan as project work activities for the course.

The course contents relies on the standard of the Project Management body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) Seventh EDITION . Within the framework, students learn the methodologies and tools necessary for each aspect of the process as well as the theories upon which these are built.

At the end of the course the students should be able to:

  • describe the 10 knowledge area of the Project management according to the Project Management body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide);
  • define the scope of a project and develop the project charter and project management plan;
  • use Gantt charts to present the activities of a project and Apply PERT Techniques for project planning;
  • apply the International Project Management Standards from the Project Management Institute (the PMBOK® Guide) to real-world situations;
  • apply the indicators to assess the performance of a project (EVA Earned Value Management Model);
  • communicate effectively and expressing arguments with preciseness, and debating findings;
  • develop effective writing skills through assignment reports .

The course consists of frontal lessons for about 50% of the course. Lessons are integrated with exercise sessions (about 30% of the course) for the different areas covered: the project context and organisation, project planning, project control, risk management. Exercises sessions are based on short case and applications to the assigned project work.
Laboratory activities and team work (about 10%) are foreseen on the following topics: Project charter development, project management plan, project team management, project planning with the use of MS Project software, stakeholder management. The course requires students to carry out a group work and about 10% of the lessons will be dedicated to explaining and reviewing the work with the students.

Seminars and guest lectures will be organized in collaboration with the PMI Project management Institute and held by managers, focused on the behavioral skills and methodologies needed for the management of projects in complex organizations

Not attending students are required to contact the teacher ( at the beginning of the course to decide together how to manage the project work activities.

Group assignment (project work): 40% of the final mark. The project work will be related to the development of a project charter and a project management plan starting from an idea developed by students. Students must deliver a final report at the end of the course (power point presentation), and they will use of a specific sw tool for project planning. The final project work will be presented in front of a scientific committee composed by expert in the field of Project management.

- Individual oral exam: (60% of the final mark) the oral exam lasting about 20 minutes based on theoretical questions in line with what was done in the Lessons in the classroom .

For not attending students the assessment methodologies will be the same. In this case the project work could be developed individually.

The course contents relies on the standard of the  Project Management body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) sixth EDITION 2017. Within the framework, students learn the methodologies and tools necessary for each aspect of the process as well as the theories upon which these are built.

Introduction to Project Management (10 hours): Introduction to the Project Management Course, the importance of project, the project and the organisation, project manager role and competence, project life cycle,

Project management Canvas (18 hours): The project management canvas as a framework to design, manage, implement and control a project (. PM canvas pillars: project context, project infrastructure (resources and budget); System (coordination); project’s impact (value); Life Cycle ( Activities and time)

The Project Management Knowledge Area (PMBOK® Guide) (26 hours). The Knowledge areas and Process of Project Management; Project Integration Management, Project Scope Management; Project Time Management; Project Cost Management; Project Quality Management; Project Stakeholder  Management; Project Risk Management; Project Procurement Management;  Project  Communication Management; Project  Human Resource Management


Project Management Institute “A Guide to Project Management body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide)” Seventh EDITION, 2021.

Alessandro Margherita, Gianluca Elia, Giustina Secundo (2018) “Building a Project Mindset: A Canvas for Managing Project Complexity“ Franco Angeli.

Corbucci D "Agile Project Management-Overview delle principali metodologie Agile, Agile Mindset e guida all'esame di certificazione PMI-ACP®, 2019



Subject area ING-IND/35

Course type Laurea Magistrale

Credits 6.0

Teaching hours Ore totali di attività frontale: 42.0

For matriculated on 2020/2021

Year taught 2021/2022

Course year 2

Semestre Primo Semestre (dal 20/09/2021 al 14/01/2022)

Language INGLESE

Subject matter COMUNE/GENERICO (999)

No specific pre-requisities for the course 

The course focuses on project management methodologies and tools. At the end of the course the student has the basic and advanced knowledge to organize, plan and control a project and to identify the development and launch strategies of a new product and service. In particular, the student knows the dynamics and critical aspects of project management, planning tools (scope statement, WBS, RAM, Gantt, Diagram, Network Diagram), tools for stakeholder and risk management, tools for controlling a project using the EVM methodology.

The Project Management course aims to provide knowledge and competences and skills in three important aspects of project management:

  • a) the project planning methodologies according the standard of Project Management Institute (PMI);
  • b) the theory, methods, quantitative tools and software used to effectively plan, organize, and control projects;
  • c) hands-on, practical project management knowledge from on-site situations and the development of a Project Management Plan as project work activities for the course.

The course contents relies on the standard of the Project Management body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) Sixth EDITION 2017. Within the framework, students learn the methodologies and tools necessary for each aspect of the process as well as the theories upon which these are built.


Project life-cycle

The processes of project management

The Project charter

The scope of project and Time Management

Management of project costs

Management of project quality

Human resource management

The course has the objective to offer basic and advanced knowledge to program and manage projects. The teaching seeks to create professional profiles able to respond to needs of public and private sector for the ideation, development and evaluation of the project proposal. 

At the end of the course the students should be able to:

  • describe the 10 knowledge area of the Project management according to the Project Management body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide);
  • define the scope of a project and develop the project charter and project management plan;
  • use Gantt charts to present the activities of a project and Apply PERT Techniques for project planning;
  • apply the International Project Management Standards from the Project Management Institute (the PMBOK® Guide) to real-world situations;
  • apply the indicators to assess the performance of a project (EVA Earned Value Management Model);
  • communicate effectively and expressing arguments with preciseness, and debating findings;
  • develop effective writing skills through assignment reports .

Face-to-face Lecturers


Project work

Project work – 60 %

Exam – 40%

Questions related to the contents of the course.

Questions related to the project work developed.

To all students that frequent the course is offered a Participation Certificate form project management institute, Southern Chapter, that recognize 32 hours of project management. This is made possible thanks to the agreement signed by Engineering faculty and PMI southern chapter. 


· The context of project management

· European, national and regional programs (Horizon2020, FESR, PON, COSME, Erasmus, etc)

· Standards and e Certifications (Il PMBOK® Guide)

· Terminology

Project life-cycle

· Relation between product and project lifecycle

· The phases of the project

· The relationship between phases

The processes of project management

· Introduction to the processes of PM

· The 5 groups of PM processes

· The 9 areas of PM knowledge

The Project charter

· Develop the project charter

· Develop the plan of project management

The scope of project and Time Management

· Define the project scope

· The processes of Time Management

· Define the activities

· Resource estimation

· Develop and control scheduling

Management of project costs

· The processes of Time Management

· Cost estimation

· Budget determination

· Cost control

Management of project quality

· Quality planning

· Execute the quality control

Human resource management

· Develop the HR resources

· Manage the project team

A guide to the project management body of knowledge, Project Management Institute.

Lecturer notes.



Subject area ING-IND/35

Course type Laurea Magistrale

Credits 6.0

Teaching hours Ore totali di attività frontale: 54.0

For matriculated on 2021/2022

Year taught 2021/2022

Course year 1

Semestre Primo Semestre (dal 20/09/2021 al 17/12/2021)

Language INGLESE

Subject matter Percorso comune (999)

Location Lecce

Basic knowledge about Business management and Cost accounting

The course focuses on project management methodologies and tools. At the end of the course the student has the basic and advanced knowledge to organize, plan and control a project and to identify the development and launch strategies of a new product and service. In particular, the student knows the dynamics and critical aspects of project management, planning tools (scope statement, WBS, RAM, Gantt, Diagram, Network Diagram), tools for stakeholder and risk management, tools for controlling a project using the EVM methodology.

The Project Management course aims to provide knowledge and competences and skills in three important aspects of project management:

  • a) the project planning methodologies according the standard of Project Management Institute (PMI);
  • b) the theory, methods, quantitative tools and software used to effectively plan, organize, and control projects;
  • c) hands-on, practical project management knowledge from on-site situations and the development of a Project Management Plan as project work activities for the course.

The course contents relies on the standard of the Project Management body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) Sixth EDITION 2017. Within the framework, students learn the methodologies and tools necessary for each aspect of the process as well as the theories upon which these are built.

At the end of the course the students should be able to:

  • describe the 10 knowledge area of the Project management according to the Project Management body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide);
  • define the scope of a project and develop the project charter and project management plan;
  • use Gantt charts to present the activities of a project and Apply PERT Techniques for project planning;
  • apply the International Project Management Standards from the Project Management Institute (the PMBOK® Guide) to real-world situations;
  • apply the indicators to assess the performance of a project (EVA Earned Value Management Model);
  • communicate effectively and expressing arguments with preciseness, and debating findings;
  • develop effective writing skills through assignment reports .

The course consists of frontal lessons for about 50% of the course. Lessons are interspersed with exercise sessions (about 30% of the course) for the different areas covered: the project context and organisation, project planning, project control, risk management. Exercises sessions are based on short case and applications to the assigend project work.
Laboratory activities and team work (about 10%) are foreseen on the following topics: Project charter development, project management plan, project team management, project planning with the use of MS Project software, stakeholder management. The course requires students to carry out a group work and about 10% of the lessons will be dedicated to explaining and reviewing the work with the students.

Seminars will be organized in collaboration with the PMI Project management Institute and held by managers, focused on the behavioral skills and methodologies needed for the management of projects in complex organizations. Not attending students are required to contact the teacher ( at the beginning of the course to decide together how to manage the project work activities.

Group assignment (project work): 40% of the final mark. The project work will be related to the development of a project charter and a project management plan starting from an idea developed by students. Students must deliver a final report at the end of the course (power point presentation), and they will use of a specific sw tool for project planning. The final project work will be presented in front of a scientific committee composed by expert in the field of Project management.

- Individual oral exam: (60% of the final mark) the oral exam lasting about 20 minutes based on theoretical questions in line with what was done in the Lessons in the classroom .

For not attending students the assessment methodologies will be the same. In this case the project work could be developed individually.

The course contents relies on the standard of the  Project Management body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) sixth EDITION 2017. Within the framework, students learn the methodologies and tools necessary for each aspect of the process as well as the theories upon which these are built.

Introduction to Project Management (13 hours): Introduction to the Project Management Course, the importance of project, the project and the organisation, project manager role and competence, project life cycle,

Project management Canvas (9 hours): The project management canvas as a framework to design, manage, implement and control a project (. PM canvas pillars: project context, project infrastructure (resources and budget); System (coordination); project’s impact (value); Life Cycle ( Activities and time)

The Project Management Knowledge Area (PMBOK® Guide) (32 hours). The Knowledge areas and Process of Project Management; Project Integration Management, Project Scope Management; Project Time Management; Project Cost Management; Project Quality Management; Project Stakeholder  Management; Project Risk Management; Project Procurement Management;  Project  Communication Management; Project  Human Resource Management


Project Management Institute “A Guide to Project Management body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide)” Sixth EDITION, 2017.

Guido Capaldo, Antonello Volpe (2012) Project Management - Principi, metodi e applicazioni al settore delle opere civili. McGrawHill

Alessandro Margherita, Gianluca Elia, Giustina Secundo (2018) “Building a Project Mindset: A Canvas for Managing Project Complexity“ Franco Angeli.



Subject area ING-IND/35

Course type Laurea Magistrale

Credits 6.0

Teaching hours Ore totali di attività frontale: 42.0

For matriculated on 2019/2020

Year taught 2020/2021

Course year 2

Semestre Primo Semestre (dal 21/09/2020 al 15/01/2021)

Language INGLESE

Subject matter INTERNAZIONALE (A56)

No specific pre-requisities for the course 


Project life-cycle

The processes of project management

The Project charter

The scope of project and Time Management

Management of project costs

Management of project quality

Human resource management

The course has the objective to offer basic and advanced knowledge to program and manage projects. The teaching seeks to create professional profiles able to respond to needs of public and private sector for the ideation, development and evaluation of the project proposal.

Face-to-face Lecturers


Project work

Project work – 60 %

Exam – 40%

Questions related to the contents of the course.

Questions related to the project work developed.

To all students that frequent the course is offered a Participation Certificate form project management institute, Southern Chapter, that recognize 32 hours of project management. This is made possible thanks to the agreement signed by Engineering faculty and PMI southern chapter. 


· The context of project management

· European, national and regional programs (Horizon2020, FESR, PON, COSME, Erasmus, etc)

· Standards and e Certifications (Il PMBOK® Guide)

· Terminology

Project life-cycle

· Relation between product and project lifecycle

· The phases of the project

· The relationship between phases

The processes of project management

· Introduction to the processes of PM

· The 5 groups of PM processes

· The 9 areas of PM knowledge

The Project charter

· Develop the project charter

· Develop the plan of project management

The scope of project and Time Management

· Define the project scope

· The processes of Time Management

· Define the activities

· Resource estimation

· Develop and control scheduling

Management of project costs

· The processes of Time Management

· Cost estimation

· Budget determination

· Cost control

Management of project quality

· Quality planning

· Execute the quality control

Human resource management

· Develop the HR resources

· Manage the project team

A guide to the project management body of knowledge, Project Management Institute.

Lecturer notes.



Subject area ING-IND/35

Course type Laurea Magistrale

Credits 6.0

Teaching hours Ore totali di attività frontale: 42.0

For matriculated on 2018/2019

Year taught 2019/2020

Course year 2

Semestre Primo Semestre (dal 23/09/2019 al 17/01/2020)

Language INGLESE

Subject matter INTERNAZIONALE (A56)

There are no prerequisities for the course. 


Project life-cycle

The processes of project management

The Project charter

The scope of project and Time Management

Management of project costs

Management of project quality

Human resource management

The course has the objective to offer basic and advanced knowledge to program and manage projects. The teaching seeks to create professional profiles able to respond to needs of public and private sector for the ideation, development and evaluation of the project proposal.

Face-to-face Lecturers


Project work

Project work – 60 %

Exam – 40%

Questions related to the contents of the course. Questions related to the project work developed.

To all students that frequent the course is offered a Participation Certificate form project management institute, Southern Chapter, that recognize 32 hours of project management. This is made possible thanks to the agreement signed by Engineering faculty and PMI southern chapter. 


· The context of project management

· European, national and regional programs (Horizon2020, FESR, PON, COSME, Erasmus, etc)

· Standards and e Certifications (Il PMBOK® Guide)

· Terminology

Project life-cycle

· Relation between product and project lifecycle

· The phases of the project

· The relationship between phases

The processes of project management

· Introduction to the processes of PM

· The 5 groups of PM processes

· The 9 areas of PM knowledge

The Project charter

· Develop the project charter

· Develop the plan of project management

The scope of project and Time Management

· Define the project scope

· The processes of Time Management

· Define the activities

· Resource estimation

· Develop and control scheduling

Management of project costs

· The processes of Time Management

· Cost estimation

· Budget determination

· Cost control

Management of project quality

· Quality planning

· Execute the quality control

Human resource management

· Develop the HR resources

· Manage the project team

A guide to the project management body of knowledge, Project Management Institute.

Lecturer notes.



Subject area ING-IND/35

Course type Laurea Magistrale

Credits 6.0

Teaching hours Ore totali di attività frontale: 42.0

For matriculated on 2017/2018

Year taught 2018/2019

Course year 2

Semestre Primo Semestre (dal 24/09/2018 al 25/01/2019)

Language INGLESE

Subject matter INTERNAZIONALE (A56)

No specific pre-requisities for the course 


Project life-cycle

The processes of project management

The Project charter

The scope of project and Time Management

Management of project costs

Management of project quality

Human resource management


The course has the objective to offer basic and advanced knowledge to program and manage projects. The teaching seeks to create professional profiles able to respond to needs of public and private sector for the ideation, development and evaluation of the project proposal.

Face-to-face Lecturers


Project work

Project work – 60 %

Exam – 40%

Questions related to the contents of the course.

Questions related to the project work developed.

To all students that frequent the course is offered a Participation Certificate form project management institute, Southern Chapter, that recognize 32 hours of project management. This is made possible thanks to the agreement signed by Engineering faculty and PMI southern chapter. 


· The context of project management

· European, national and regional programs (Horizon2020, FESR, PON, COSME, Erasmus, etc)

· Standards and e Certifications (Il PMBOK® Guide)

· Terminology

Project life-cycle

· Relation between product and project lifecycle

· The phases of the project

· The relationship between phases

The processes of project management

· Introduction to the processes of PM

· The 5 groups of PM processes

· The 9 areas of PM knowledge

The Project charter

· Develop the project charter

· Develop the plan of project management

The scope of project and Time Management

· Define the project scope

· The processes of Time Management

· Define the activities

· Resource estimation

· Develop and control scheduling

Management of project costs

· The processes of Time Management

· Cost estimation

· Budget determination

· Cost control

Management of project quality

· Quality planning

· Execute the quality control

Human resource management

· Develop the HR resources

· Manage the project team

A guide to the project management body of knowledge, Project Management Institute.

Lecturer notes.




Subject area ING-IND/35

Course type Laurea Magistrale

Credits 6.0

Teaching hours Ore totali di attività frontale: 42.0

For matriculated on 2016/2017

Year taught 2017/2018

Course year 2

Semestre Primo Semestre (dal 25/09/2017 al 19/01/2018)

Language INGLESE

Subject matter INTERNAZIONALE (A56)

No specific pre-requisities for the course 


Project life-cycle

The processes of project management

The Project charter

The scope of project and Time Management

Management of project costs

Management of project quality

Human resource management


The course has the objective to offer basic and advanced knowledge to program and manage projects. The teaching seeks to create professional profiles able to respond to needs of public and private sector for the ideation, development and evaluation of the project proposal.

Face-to-face Lecturers


Project work

Project work – 40 %

Written Exam – 60%

Questions related to the contents of the course. Questions related to the project work developed.


· The context of project management

· European, national and regional programs (Horizon2020, FESR, PON, COSME, Erasmus, etc)

· Standards and e Certifications (Il PMBOK® Guide)

· Terminology

Project life-cycle

· Relation between product and project lifecycle

· The phases of the project

· The relationship between phases

The processes of project management

· Introduction to the processes of PM

· The 5 groups of PM processes

· The 9 areas of PM knowledge

The Project charter

· Develop the project charter

· Develop the plan of project management

The scope of project and Time Management

· Define the project scope

· The processes of Time Management

· Define the activities

· Resource estimation

· Develop and control scheduling

Management of project costs

· The processes of Time Management

· Cost estimation

· Budget determination

· Cost control

Management of project quality

· Quality planning

· Execute the quality control

Human resource management

· Develop the HR resources

· Manage the project team

A guide to the project management body of knowledge, Project Management Institute.

Lecturer notes.




Subject area ING-IND/35

Course type Laurea Magistrale

Credits 6.0

Teaching hours Ore totali di attività frontale: 42.0

For matriculated on 2015/2016

Year taught 2016/2017

Course year 2

Semestre Primo Semestre (dal 26/09/2016 al 20/01/2017)

Language INGLESE

Subject matter INTERNAZIONALE (A56)

No specific pre-requisities for the course 


Project life-cycle

The processes of project management

The Project charter

The scope of project and Time Management

Management of project costs

Management of project quality

Human resource management


The course has the objective to offer basic and advanced knowledge to program and manage projects. The teaching seeks to create professional profiles able to respond to needs of public and private sector for the ideation, development and evaluation of the project proposal.

Face-to-face Lecturers


Project work

Project work – 40 %

Written Exam – 60%

Questions related to the contents of the course. Questions related to the project work developed.


· The context of project management

· European, national and regional programs (Horizon2020, FESR, PON, COSME, Erasmus, etc)

· Standards and e Certifications (Il PMBOK® Guide)

· Terminology

Project life-cycle

· Relation between product and project lifecycle

· The phases of the project

· The relationship between phases

The processes of project management

· Introduction to the processes of PM

· The 5 groups of PM processes

· The 9 areas of PM knowledge

The Project charter

· Develop the project charter

· Develop the plan of project management

The scope of project and Time Management

· Define the project scope

· The processes of Time Management

· Define the activities

· Resource estimation

· Develop and control scheduling

Management of project costs

· The processes of Time Management

· Cost estimation

· Budget determination

· Cost control

Management of project quality

· Quality planning

· Execute the quality control

Human resource management

· Develop the HR resources

· Manage the project team

A guide to the project management body of knowledge, Project Management Institute.

Lecturer notes.




- Solazzo, G., Maruccia, Y., Lorenzo, G., Ndou, V., Del Vecchio, P., & Elia, G. (2021). Extracting insights from big social data for smarter tourism destination management. Measuring Business Excellence.

- Ndou, V., Scorrano, P., Mele, G., & Stefanizzi, P. (2021). Fundraising activities and digitalization: defining risk indicators for evaluating equity crowdfunding campaigns. Meditari Accountancy Research. (

- Ndou, V. (2021). Social Entrepreneurship Education: A Combination of Knowledge Exploitation and Exploration Processes. Administrative Sciences, 11(4), 112.

- Secundo, G., Ndou, V., Del Vecchio, P., & De Pascale, G. (2020). Sustainable development, intellectual capital and technology policies: A structured literature review and future research agenda. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 153, 119917.

- Secundo, G., Mele G., Del Vecchio, P., Elia. G., Margherita, A., & Ndou V. (2021). Threat or opportunity? A case study of digital-enabled redesign of entrepreneurship education in the COVID-19 emergency. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 166, 120565.

- Filieri, R., Acikgoz, F., Ndou, V., & Dwivedi, Y. (2020). Is TripAdvisor still relevant? The influence of review credibility, review usefulness, and ease of use on consumers’ continuance intention. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management.

- Ndou, V., & Schiuma, G. (2020). The role of social innovation for a knowledge-based local development: insights from the literature review. International Journal of Knowledge-Based Development, 11(1), 6-25.

-Del Vecchio, P., Ndou, V., Passiante, G., & Vrontis, D. (2020). Circular Economy Innovative Entrepreneurship: A Conceptual Foundation. In Innovative Entrepreneurship in Action (pp. 129-144). Springer, Cham.

- Secundo, G., Ndou, V., Del Vecchio, P., & De Pascale, G. (2020). Sustainable development, intellectual capital and technology policies: A structured literature review and future research agenda. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 153, 119917.

- Centobelli, P., & Ndou, V. (2019). Managing customer knowledge through the use of big data analytics in tourism research. Current Issues in Tourism

- Secundo, G., Ndou, V., Del Vecchio, P., & De Pascale, G. (2019). Knowledge management in entrepreneurial universities: A structured literature review and avenue for future research agenda. Management Decision.

- Ndou, V. et al, Toward a framework to unlock innovation from big data in  -Ratten, V., Álvarez-García, J., & del Rio, M. D. L. C. (Eds.). (2019). Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Inequality: Exploring Territorial Dynamics and Development. Routledge

- Ndou, V., Secundo, G., Schiuma, G., & Passiante, G. (2018). Insights for shaping entrepreneurship education: evidence from the European entrepreneurship centers. Sustainability

- Del Vecchio, P., Mele, G., Ndou, V., & Secundo, G. (2018). Open Innovation and Social Big Data for Sustainability: Evidence from the Tourism Industry. Sustainability

- Ndou, V., Secundo, G., Dumay, J., & Gjevori, E. (2018). Understanding intellectual capital disclosure in online media Big Data: An exploratory case study in a university. Meditari Accountancy Research

- Del Vecchio, P., Ndou, V., & Passiante, G. (Eds.). (2018). Turismo digitale e smart destination: tecnologie, modelli e strategie per la crescita di un sistema turistico integrato. FrancoAngeli

- Ndou, V., Mele, G., & Del Vecchio, P. (2018). Entrepreneurship education in tourism: An investigation among European Universities. Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism Education.

- Del Vecchio, P., Elia, G., Ndou, V., Secundo, G., & Specchia, F. (2017). Living Lab as an Approach to Activate Dynamic Innovation Ecosystems and Networks: An Empirical Study. International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management

- Del Vecchio, P, Mele, G, Ndou, Valentina, Secundo, Giustina (2017). Creating value from Social Big Data: Implications for Smart Tourism Destinations. Information Processing & Management

- Paiano, A. P., Valente, L., Ndou, V., & Del Vecchio, P. (2017). Social Media Tools and (E) Destination: An Italian Case Study. In Tourism, Culture and Heritage in a Smart Economy (pp. 251-272). Springer Cham

- Secundo, G., Ndou. V., Del Vecchio, P., (2016) Challenges for Instilling Entrepreneurial Mindset in Scientists and Engineers: What Works in European Universities? International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management.

- Ndou, V., Secundo, G., & Mele, G. (2016). A Process-Based Model for Inspiring Technology-Driven Entrepreneurship: An Education Perspective. In Creating Technology-Driven Entrepreneurship. Palgrave Macmillan, London.

- Ndou. V., Del Vecchio, P. Mele, G., Stefanizzi, P., Passiante, G., (2016). Measuring the promptness of destinations to move toward a smart tourism configuration. Conference proceedings IBIMA 2016. Philadelphia.

- Del Vecchio P., Ndou V., Passiante G. (2015). A methodology for the virtual destination management based on users' involvement: Perspectives and opportunities for the smart growth. p. 2547-2559, Conference proceedings, IBIMA 2015.

- Mele, G., Stefanizzi, P., Del Vecchio, P., & Ndou, V. (2015, September). Evaluating the Apulia tourism supply system: towards the creation of integrated system. 8th Annual Conference of the EuroMed Academy of Business.

- Ndou. V (2015). Measuring the Creative Economy: An assessment of the situation in Western Balkan countries (2015) IBIMA Conference proceeding. 

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