- Offerta Formativa A.A. 2022/2023
- Master's Degree in DIGITAL HUMANITIES
- Digital management of ancient manuscripts
Digital management of ancient manuscripts
- Teaching in italian
- Digital management of ancient manuscripts
- Teaching
- Digital management of ancient manuscripts
- Subject area
- L-FIL-LET/07
- Reference degree course
- Course type
- Master's Degree
- Credits
- 6.0
- Teaching hours
- Frontal Hours: 42.0
- Academic year
- 2022/2023
- Year taught
- 2023/2024
- Course year
- 2
- Language
- Curriculum
- Reference professor for teaching
Teaching description
Basic knowledge of medieval history and the dynamics of transmission of written literary texts.
During the course, attention will be paid to the history of writing media in the Middle Ages and modern techniques for investigating manuscripts. Direct examples of the analysis and study of book supports, the reading of palimpsests, and the digital edition of texts will be provided.
Knowledge and understanding: the student will know the various library media used in the Middle Ages and their function.
Ability to apply knowledge and understanding: the student will recognise library supports and learn some techniques of scientific investigation on them.
Autonomy of judgement: the student will be able to evaluate autonomously the choices to be made.
Communication skills: the student will be able to communicate in different situations of everyday life.
Learning ability: the student will develop skills that will enable him/her to reuse the knowledge acquired in other courses of study.
Lectures but above all seminar lectures with talks by scholars who have worked on the subject in recent years and can provide concrete examples.
Oral exam.
The exam aims at evaluating the achievement of the following goals:
- knowledge of the main issues discussed in the general framework presentation;
- knowledge of the case studies
- speaking and presenting skills
- studied topics presentation and connection
Per le date degli appelli, consultare la sezione NOTIZIE.
For any further information, please contact prof. Giannachi at francesco.giannachi@unisalento.it
- book supports in the Middle Ages
- techniques for analyzing various book supports-
- restoration techniques of various book supports
- palimpsest manuscripts
- digital editions of texts
- S. Nichols, From parchment to cyberspace: medieval literature in the digital age, Peter Lang 2016
- notes taken in lectures and seminars
Second Semester (dal 04/03/2024 al 07/06/2024)
Exam type
Type of assessment
Oral - Final grade
Course timetable