- Corsi di Laurea Magistrale
- Teaching in italian
- Teaching
- Subject area
- L-LIN/12
- Reference degree course
- Course type
- Master's Degree
- Credits
- 6.0
- Teaching hours
- Frontal Hours: 36.0
- Academic year
- 2024/2025
- Year taught
- 2024/2025
- Course year
- 1
- Language
- Curriculum
- Reference professor for teaching
- BIANCHI Francesca
Teaching description
Basic knoledge in the use of computers, Windows operating system. In particular, the students should already know how to use email systems and how to attach files in an email message and have good skills in the use of MS Word. Furthermore, the students should ideally have already acquired some basic theoretical and practical knowledge of translation. Students who have never studied translation before are invited to read the following text before the beginning of the course: Baker, M. (1992). In Other Words: A Coursebook on Translation. London/New York: Routledge.
After introducing students to audiovisual translation in general, this module focuses on subtitling for deaf and non deaf audiences.
This module provides specialised theoretical and practical knowledge in subtitling for deaf and non-deaf audiences, including how to use subtitling software and other tools for clipping, burning and saving video files. More specifically, at the end of the module the students will have become familiar with the semiotic levels of multimedia products and how they interact with each other generally as well as in a given product. They will be able to list the main types of AVT and describe their basic differences. Furthermore, they will have acquired full theoretical knowledge of subtitling, including the needs of different target audiences, professional strategies and habits. Finally, they will have learnt to use specific software for the creation of subtitles. They will also have learnt how to use the Internet for lexical research. They will have acquired skills in reformulation and adaptation of an aural text into written subtitles, considering the needs of the target audience as well as technical constraints. They will be able to describe and explain the strategies at play in subtitles created by themselves or others. Finally, they will be able to create professional-level subtitles using semi-professional freeware software.
At the end of the module, the students will have also acquired the following transversal skills:
– problem solving (ability to apply what they have learned, in a real situation)
– analysis and synthesis (ability to acquire, organize and reformulate data and information from a different sources)
– autonomous judgment (ability to critically assess information and act accordingly)
– communication (ability to clearly and correctly convey ideas in written form, considering the given audience)
– lifelong learning (ability to understand one’s limits and to identify suitable strategies to acquire new knowledge and skills)
Lectures and hands-on workshops. The students will also be required to do homework and hand it in for class correction.
At the end of the module, the student will have to submit a project work: each student will work on a short video clip (5-6 minute) of their choice. The clip will have to belong to one of the video generes discussed in class (feature film, cartoon or documentary) and should have never been subtitled before (not even by means of automatic subtitling). Once the clip has been approved by the teacher, the student will create English subtitles for a deaf audience by using the software tools illustrated in class. The video file and the srt file will have to be submitted to the teacher before the exam, as for the teacher’s instructions.
On the day of the exam, the student will defend their project work, explaining their choices, when necessary, by reference to client instructions, subtitling technical constraints and professional strategies as described in the literature.
21 gennaio 2025, ore 9:00
7 febbraio 2025, ore 9:00
24 febbraio 2025, ore 10:00
15 maggio 2025, ore 10:00 (solo laureandi e f.c.)
20 giugno 2025, ore 9:00
7 luglio 2025, ore 9:00
23 luglio 2025, ore 9:00
9 settembre 2025, ore 9:00
The exam panel includes: Francesca Bianchi, Elena Manca, Ottavia Carlino (Cultore della materia), Julia Boyd (Culture della materia).
This module provides specialised theoretical and practical knowledge in subtitling for deaf and non-deaf audiences, including how to use subtitling software and other tools for clipping, burning and saving video files. Special attention will be dedicated to analysis of translation issues connected to diamesic transfer, the correct use of professional subtitling strategies and technical constraints. The students will also learn how to chunk and synchronise subtitles (timing and spotting) by means of semi-professional freeware software. The module aims to make the students autonomous in the creation of professional-level subtitles The module will focus on the following video genres: feature films, cartoons, documentaries.
- Diaz-Cintas J., Remael A. (2007). Audiovisual Translation: Subtitling. Manchester: St. Jerome’s Publishing.
Further material will be provided by the teacher on the e-learning.unisalento platform and/or the LearnWeb platform. Both platforms will be introduced to the students at the beginning of the module. Any student who is not able to attend classes is invited to contact the teacher for instructions on how to access and use these two platforms, the reference materials provided and the contents of the course.
Second Semester (dal 03/03/2025 al 06/06/2025)
Exam type
Type of assessment
Oral - Final grade
Course timetable
Component of
AVT laboratory (audiovisual translation) (LM33)